Hi Ben,
Please weight this response as a 5 out a maximum of 10 (I'm a homebrewer that is relatively new to wine making).
If you discover a Charlie Papazian quality book for wine making in your research, please let me know.
The standard here in VT seems to be C.J.J Berry's "First Steps in Winemaking". Covers a lot of area (country wines, etc.), originates in the UK, might be slightly outdated, index and table of contents leaves a lot to be desired, but worth the few dollars and time to read (IMHO). Be prepared to read it thoroughly and mark important pages with post-its to mark the things you didn't recognize or you think might be important. If you don't use the the post-its or other marking system, you are likely to find yourself hunting through the book later, if you read the book carefully.
As a beer homebrewer, I suggest there is enough of a difference between making wine and beer that even with a kit, you will want to read a winemaking book such as Berry's "First Steps".
please understand, this is not an endorsement, just the best I found here so far.