first timers set up kit?

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Mostly Organic Farmer
Jan 1, 2014
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im just beginning to get have interest in winemaking since I have several fruit trees/bushes that include: peach, plum, apple, crabapple, mayhaw (not sure if anyone makes wine with mayhaws), muscadines and blueberry bushes....

im wanting to get a wine kit online....I want to get something great that I can use from now on, but I don't want to buy stuff that maynot be worth getting...since ill admit I know very lil, im not sure what I should get yet and what I shouldn't....

im looking at this from a website I visited today.

think this would be a good starter set or think I should get something less or from another website? any advice or comments will be appreciated.
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That looks like a pretty good setup to me. It has everything you will need and some things you would end up buying eventually if you bought a more basic kit. Like the Auto syphon and degassing wand. You will probably need a acid test kit when using fresh fruit and a fruit press, but this is a good starter kit.

Welcome to WMT! I look forward to hearing about your harvesting and wine making adventures.
Note: The Carboy Carrying Handle is only good to help stabilize the carboy while carrying, not to carry the carboy.

The Fermtech Wine Thief is a great way to take a measurement. You can use it to remove wine from the carboy, and drop a hydrometer into it. You do not need a separate hydrometer test jar.

1 gallon glass bottle with screw top, and funnel. You can use it to save sanitizing solution for reuse.

An Auto Siphon (small, not large) will allow you to pump the wine from the wine kit into the primary. Much easier than trying to pour a full box. The small auto siphon will fit into the pour hole. I think the large is too big to fit.

For degassing, and stirring in the carboy (when adding k-meta, and such), I use a stirrer that can be attached to a drill. Just be careful you don't aerate - Turbulence at the surface is bad, turbulance under the surface is what you want.

If you have it: An Immersion Blender is great for doing a lot of the stirring. The WE kits have you mix bentonite in hot water, and stir. Also when you add the water to the kit (you want the water and grape juice to thoroughly mix).

If you have the money, the All-in-one wine pump is great.
that kit will work just fine..... by the way.
muscadines and mayhaws both make excellent wine. next in line would be wild blackberry
im gonna be honest, I have no idea what 95% of the stuff u were talking about - which I know I will slowly learn the more I read and research all this stuff... there is just a lot to this and im so much more of a visual learner.

im gonna check into the all in one wine pump....thanks, richmke...

thanks, james.... ive thought about ordering some blackberries since im wanting to start making my own wine. any particular blackberries that are better for winemaking than others?

ive ordered 8 muscadines from isons vineyard - pineapple, big red, magnolia, noble, hunt, tara, pam, and ison. im planning on making a lil jelly but mostly wine with these.
Hi sunnysideup, welcome to the forum. That looks like a great starter kit. There will always be other things you'll want but won't need right away. Like Lori said though, the one thing I would invest in if doing fruit wines is a ph/acid tester. There are cheap ones out there to get you started with then you can invest in a higher quality one later if you chose. Enjoy your new addiction!
For fruit wine, I think the large ferment bucket is needed. Other than that, a smaller kit might do the job. Instead of wine thiefs I use a large turkey baster although the thief with a hydrometer is an idea I never thought of and seems like a very good way to go.
sunnyside> i use wild blackberries..blackberries are easy start from cuttings are root stock..scour the area you live in and take some wild cuttings..
they are all ready native to your area...i would use what is aclimated there.

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