First try with whole house filter

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When I first used mine, I ran a test with starsan (about 3 gallons), because I wanted to sanitize everything anyway. I was getting a lot of air, and I finally narrowed it down to having to screw the top of the filter on VERY tightly. I thought it was sealed, but apparently it wasn't the first time. So I used the wrench and really socked it down tight. Has worked great ever since (I also do have the extra piece of PVC to keep the draw down to the bottom of the filter).

Ken, did you get the air space at the top before using the pvc piece? Do you still get it, but it's ok with the pvc piece? I had soaked mine in sanitizer first, then rinsed a bit, and when it first started, it filled to the top, but when it started coming out, the level dropped in the housing and would never reach the top again. Did yours do this as well?

What wine did you filter? A red you will not see as much difference in the before and after normally since you most likely can't see through it. A white is something else. It sparkles. Kind of like a diamond. You really should have a glass saved of the before and after filtering of the same white wine. Side by side they are two totally different looking wines. Most of us filter our whites with 1 micron filters, 5 micron for reds.

Ah, I see. Thanks, Mike. I keep up with most of the posts, here. I think I have read about this before. I appreciate your response. However, I am very happy with the results I am getting with my wines. I won't be filtering.

I'm not selling my wines, or entering competitions. And all of my wines get chugged down by friends and family---who are drinking for free, I might add---so I think I'll keep it as simple as possible.
Ken, did you get the air space at the top before using the pvc piece? Do you still get it, but it's ok with the pvc piece? I had soaked mine in sanitizer first, then rinsed a bit, and when it first started, it filled to the top, but when it started coming out, the level dropped in the housing and would never reach the top again. Did yours do this as well?

Before adding the PVC, there was a little airspace at the top (maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch). After adding the PVC (to about 3/4" from the bottom), the level does stay below the top (maybe about 1 to 1 1/2 inches), but it doesn't draw from that airspace at the top, so it isn't doesn't seem to affect it much.
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I personally developed it because I was getting air space at the top of the filter housing. That is why it draws now from the bottom - not sure if the housing has an air leak or just some additional co2 being removed - but whatever the case is this seemed to fix it. I also do not have to dump all the extra in the housing as well - bonus

thanks steve
Yes, of course, Jon.

But I'm still less than a year into wine making, so educate me. I have seen others post the same kind of vague response to this question. What do you mean by "polished appeal". If your wine is completely clear, what does filtering do? I saw no difference in the wine I filtered. That's another reason why I didn't mess with it again.

I'm ready to be enlightened! :sm

I think Mike said it right - it has a sparkle to it like a diamond - although clear an unfiltered wine appears dull next to a filtered wine.

At least that was the comparison i made with mine.
I personally developed it because I was getting air space at the top of the filter housing. That is why it draws now from the bottom - not sure if the housing has an air leak or just some additional co2 being removed - but whatever the case is this seemed to fix it. I also do not have to dump all the extra in the housing as well - bonus

thanks steve

I'm definitely going to be doing that the next round. Thanks, Kim
I personally developed it because I was getting air space at the top of the filter housing. That is why it draws now from the bottom - not sure if the housing has an air leak or just some additional co2 being removed - but whatever the case is this seemed to fix it. I also do not have to dump all the extra in the housing as well - bonus

thanks steve

If you don't have your filter fastened down, when you get to the bottom of your carboy and the wine runs out, just turn the filter over and it will suck most all the wine from your filter. Arne.
Thanks Arne - I'm going to try turning the filter over next time as there does seem to be a lot of wine left in the housing otherwise. Also - someone here suggested, which I tried, regarding airspace at the top to turn it over and let the housing fill - I did this and when I turned it right-side-up again, the airspace did not return
First I will apologize for not reading all of the answers. That said, I hope not to repeat what someone else has suggested. I have been filtering the same way that you are filtering for about 3 years. If you see bubbles in the lines, that will tell you where it is leaking. Then you should be able to work on that joint only. If you do not see bubbles in the tubing, fear not, it is gas coming out.

Richard L.

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