Thats what usually happens when you don't use a mlf culture . You never know when mlf takes off on its own . In the pass my wine would go on its own when bulk ageing.usually it would happen in the spring when you get the change in tempature. is the wine fizzy when you drink it.
You dont use sulfite? You are asking for problems but not using it! Bacteria which is always present no matter how sanitary you are will eventually catch up with your wines.
All red wines do go through amazing changes but not adding sulfites has nothing to do with that. If thats what you want to do thats fine by me but I like knowing that I have that added security and that microbes will not take over in my wines and those microbes are awlays there no matter how sanitary you are as we are not being sterile. The sulfites just keep them in check!
They say that but how? First of all they cant claim its sulfite free as fermentation itself produces some S02 which will be in the wine, they can only claim low sulfite or no sulfite added! \With those low sulfites wine they can only attest to what they have already done as they cannot tell that what they have going will not go south due to some bacteria that is ever present in any wine. The proper dosage for add sulfites is 1/4 tsp per 5-6 gallons of wine. Obviously some heavier tannic wines will do much better at cellaring then others will like a Bordeaux will outlast a Rose 8 days a week.