Mosti Mondiale floaties

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Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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Hi all,

i read the thread regarding floaties and i have experienced the same thing here is the rundown; Fermented MM alljuice barolo racked to secondary at appropriate time and SG, finished fermentation,stabalized and racked down to a five gallon carboy, and a 3/4 gallon jug and a wine bottle all with air lock which are now bulk aging and appropriatley topped up. the wine botle has some floaties on the surface as well as the jug , and there are a couple on the surface of the five gallon carboy. Bulk age tgemp is a consistent 65 degrees.Would this be undissolved stabalizer? i did not add the p sorbate yet as i am going to bulk age for 90 days. Has Anyone else experience this with MM or any other kit?
Potassium sorbate is really the stabilizer and you said you have not added that. As far as being the k-meta, did you dissolve that in a small amount of warm water or wine before adding?
Sorry, when i said stabalize i meant i added the metabisulphite and i dissolved that in a 1/4 cup of water not warm thoughas the directions indicated, funny thing is these floaties are sitting on the surface of the wine bottle and the jug but i do not see any in the 5 gallon carboy, there kind of just floating in the center about 1/4 inch circle and it looks like clear crystals? very odd BTW i did clean sanatize and sulphite the bottles so i know they are super clean, i just do not know how to explain it. should i be worried?