In a quick bit of research, before posting that suggested order of things, I never found anything stating that sparkaloid would stop Sorbate from working, but rather than ignore the suggestions... Additionally it's a different product than Chitosan so reactions could be different.
I may also take negative comments on this but... I also don't see the benefit of using Bentonite during primary fermentation. It's supposed to drop a ton of material out of the must and during primary I want all those things interacting releasing all the flavor and character of the fruit. During the secondary stage of fermentation, yes, by that time the fruit should have given it's all and the clearing should begin. Truth be told I would prefer never to use fining agents if possible. When I read about all of them they each have potential side effects on the wine that might be undesirable such as stripping color, flavor etc. - I'd rather just let time work for me.
For the time being, since time is not an issue, I would stick with keeping the Sparkaloid and Sorbate separate. After all, time and time again the guidance to new winemakers is consistently to be patient, wait for it, don't rush it - this isn't fast food city.
Would be nice to hear some substantive comments as to why or how Sparkaloid interacts with or negates Sorbate.
(For grins there is a very extensive thread on Bentonite in Dragon's Blood with an interesting end - And it's not the first 'end' in that thread - spoiler - Initially Bentonite seemed to take away some things desired in the brew but after aging a while the changes that seemed negative went away - aging changed that . )