Food for thought

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smart @$$
Aug 18, 2009
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I read this and was wondering what you all thought.I am not thinking the higher methanol wouldn't be dangerous but was wondering about bad taste. I have never made a fruit wine without PE and am not sure how I would and avoid Pectic haze. Will do some experimenting when the fruits start coming in for sure. If I can make a better tasting wine then I gota try. :i
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The article refers to the concentration in the resulting distilled product, where the methanol has been greatly concentrated. We have absolutely no idea how this relates to what would be found in homemade wine. It cites 320-656 mg methanol / 100mL 40% ethanol.
This source, for example, cites 328mg methanol / L ethanol for a more relevant fermented case.

So the 40% ethanol solution has >10X as much methanol as the source I provided reported in a fermented (wine) product.

Hopefully this link works (note it is a PPT):

Summary - pectic enzyme treatment roughly doubles methanol content. But you would still need to drink 100L of wine in a sitting to have toxicity concerns.

It is a very small amount of methanol. Enough to affect taste? I don't know, but I doubt it.
It was taste I was wondering about?I know that much methanol
would be ok
It was taste I was wondering about?I know that much methanol
would be ok

Try it both ways, with and without pectic enzyme. I can't tell the difference, can you? If I can tell a difference it's in favor of the cleared wine.
I also do want pectic haze. I will try both ways, but wander if there might be an alternative. I sure dont want to cook it like I do beer. I am sure that will trash flavor as well