Former Beer Brewer, Soon-To-Be New Wine Maker

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Junior Member
Jan 17, 2014
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Greetings everyone!

I'm quite new to the art of making wine but look forward to my first batch in a few weeks! I've been brewing beer for over ten years now and have spent a good share of money buying commercial beers (some favorites, limited releases, etc.).

I've been experiencing some major lower back pain during the past couple of years and while nothing but apple cider vinegar works to relieve it I just can't bring myself to surgery. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I decided to start making healthier choices and we started a low carb diet. I haven't had anything with significant carb counts in two weeks (had a couple glasses of wine though). After the first week my major back pain has turned into a very sight dull pain. I haven't been to the doc yet but I'm guessing it's a gluten or sugar thing. So...if carbs make my body feel bad then my beer brewing days are over and my wine making days will soon begin!

I'll be reading through the beginner forums to get everyone's advice and book suggestions to get started. Can't wait!!!
Hi Jerry,

Welcome to winemakingtalk! And good luck with your back!
Welcome to the forum, I am sure you will enjoy it.

I have only made one beer but I do want to make more.

I also have a bad back and what saves me from lifting those heavy carboys is a vacuum pump. I could not do without one. With a Vacuum pump and the right set up, it makes wine making (or beer making) so much easier on the back. It makes bottling a breeze. The one everyone wants is the Allinone.

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