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Still waiting.........
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2018
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I recently read a member using the phrase,”Highjacking a Thread”. I will sometimes jump on a thread with a similar question although not exactly the same. It may or may not divert the discussion. I do this rather than start a new thread. Am I “Highjacking”?
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The short answer is: yes.

The longer answer: Yes and sometimes it's a big deal, and other times, not a big deal.

WMT is pretty chill about such things, unlike some tech forums I have to read for my work. We (WMT) get off on tangents and someone will bring us back in line, even when the tangents are not that far off track. I have been in the situation where I helped sidetrack a thread, so I've started another thread for the tangent and posted the link in the original thread.

IME it's better to start a new thread in the most appropriate forum than it is to post to an old thread. Why? Folks will see a thread has 5+ pages of replies and figure it's same 'ole, same 'ole, nothing new to see here and skip it. OTOH, a new post with < 5 replies catches people's attention.

If you think you're hijacking a thread, then you probably are. Start a new thread. They're free!!! ;)