well for those of you that have been following this thread at all, you know about 3 weeks ago my girlfriend and i became foster parents to a pair of 4 and 5 year boys...things have been going pretty good so far i must say....i mean, dont get me wrong, it hasn't all been roses....lol...it has made finances a little tighter lately as there has been a foul up with the case paperwork, so all of the boys support so far has been out of pocket, therefore curbing winemaking funds, but so be it...my parents are really digging being "grandma" and "grandpa"....lol...my mom has already started to spoil the boys by starting accumulate a supply of toys for the boys to play with whenever they come over....lol...not to mention always wanting us to bring them over, which is not a problem as they only live about 5 minutes from us, and being the first to volunteer to watch the boys whenever we need a babysitter....lol...the boys have already started calling my stepdad grandpa, and get soooo excited when they go over to my parent's house and see his truck in the driveway...now in my case, i was already 18 when he became my stepdad, but since then has always been a big supporter and done a lot for me...well even he has been loving it....it's not by what he says so much as it is his actions....for example, when we have been visiting, the boys might seem to be getting a little mischievious...so mom goes to correct them, and grandpa tells her "oh, leave them alone....they're just being kids".....lol...ya gotta love it...a number of years ago they had a pool in their backyard...well it became too much of a hassle, wasn't getting used and the decided to get rid of it...then my mom began missing it and wanting another one, to which he would respond "NO"...then the boys showed up....lol...mom once again mentioned getting another pool, and this time around, without a fuss, he tells her ok, and so for the 4th of july, a new pool was installed...it's one of those 4 ft. deep, like 17 foot round inflatable type pools...so it's one of those that they can take down after the season if they want to...not something they are used to dealing with...but the story gets better...they are not really familiar with the lifespan of this kind of pool...my parents were talking about it and my stepdad tells mom that when this one bites it, they will get another bigger permanent pool....lol...now you tell me he's not enjoying being grandpa....all in all though, everyone seems to be adjusting fine....the boys can be a handful at times, but so can all kids...lol...and my gf and i have gone from being auntie and uncle to momma and daddy...i get greeted everyday when i get home from work with hugs and kisses, and being informed by the gf that they ask all day long about when am i coming home...lol...as bad as it sounds, i really hope the system does the right thing at the end of august and terminates the biological parents' rights and allows us to adopt them, otherwise i can assure you, almost everyone involved in this situation, will be devastated...