Found some pie cherries

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Cleaning out the freezer. 29 lbs of cherries just laying around. Decided I best put them to work. Thawed out, added water and honey, will see how it comes out and let you know how much of each. Should be drinkable about Christmas time. At least I have some more freezer room, the cherries should be ripe again about the 4th of July. It is all good, Arne.
Cleaning out the freezer. 29 lbs of cherries just laying around. Decided I best put them to work. Thawed out, added water and honey, will see how it comes out and let you know how much of each. Should be drinkable about Christmas time. At least I have some more freezer room, the cherries should be ripe again about the 4th of July. It is all good, Arne.

Wonder where you got that honey from?
Fermenting right along. Basement temp 55 degrees, fermenter temp. on outside 59 degrees. If it sticks, I'll put the heater back on it, otherwise gonna let it go. Smells great, looks good. Another year or so and it should be drinkable. Arne.
Fermenting right along. Basement temp 55 degrees, fermenter temp. on outside 59 degrees. If it sticks, I'll put the heater back on it, otherwise gonna let it go. Smells great, looks good. Another year or so and it should be drinkable. Arne.

What type of yeast did you use?
Actually this is getting down towards 1.000. Suprises me as cool as the basement is. Will have to rack it shortly if this keeps up. Think I see some cherry skeeter pee in the future also. When I made it with the strawberry melenol the honey taste transfered over to the skeeter pee. Kinda thought that was interesting and it made a very good s.p. Arne.
Arne, my wife found a few pounds of pie cherries this last fall, it wasn't enough for a batch of wine, so I used it in a skeeter pee, it was wonderful! Notice I said WAS. Dale.
You need to get a camera or start snapping and posting cell pix, Arne! :pic
Got the camera, at least Kathy does. What I really need is a kid around to teach me how to post the darn things. One of these days when one of the girls show up I will learn how. Til then, you just have to put up with my scribbling. Arne.
Racked the cherry to secondary yesterday. Lookin like it should be good. Started a double batch of skeeter pee on the lees. Did this in the morning and after lunch there was already a cap formed. Stirred it down this morning, gonna be lots of lake hooch. Seems like it disappears in ahurry down there. Plenty of help drinking it. Cherry should be ready for Thanksgiving, maybe not done but drinkable, Skeeter pee will probably be gone and more in the fermenter. Arne.
Arne, go to and set up a free account.

1.) Load your pix from the camera to the puter desktop.

2.) Drag the image file(s) you want from desktop to Photobucket.

3.) After it uploads, click to get it up full size. On the right are several links. For here, you want to click the IMG link. It will auto-copy it.

4.) Past the link here. On "Preview post," you can see the actual pic.

It is really really easy once you get the hang of it. You can set up various topic folders on Photobucket, too.

At the top of the forum is a testing thread where you can play until you get it down for prime time:

I wanna see some pix of your winemaking! :D
Seems like there is more cherry flavor there than I should have for the amount of cherries used. The stuff has cleared some already and I am going to have to be careful or it won't make it to the bottles. It is going to be a fun summer. Arne.