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By the way,

I really like the new avatar Doug. Is that your own original work??

Sorry John, Haven't really been on the forum the past few days and just saw this now. Not my art work. My Father and Stepmom had a local artist do this for me and my wife and gave it to us 2 Thanksgivings ago. I have it hanging on the wall in my office.
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for me, 23 days to go (I end this on good Friday). So far it has been pretty easy.

Me and my borthers took my nephew out for a steak. This 98 pound kid devoured a 48 ounce steak (with potatoes). During dinner, I tried an O'Doul's for the first time. Wow did that taste like garbage! Think I will just stick to my iced tea for the duration.
During dinner, I tried an O'Doul's for the first time. Wow did that taste like garbage! Think I will just stick to my iced tea for the duration.

I hear ya. I'm on water with lemon. It helps to detox the liver (supposedly). ;) I tried some of this last year:


It sucks. I may give one of the whites a shot this year if I get desperate. Or maybe make a sangria with it. :)
Day 35. Only 11 days left! (my lent began on 2/17)

3/28 will mark the 40th day, but I am going to take this to 4/3. This means my lent will be will be for the full 46 days.

Yup, 35 days and doing fine...

Once Easter is over, then bottling begins. I have to admit, I am looking forward to bottling this year. What a great excuse for a party! I also have that "mini crush" of Chilean grapes to look forward to. Ahhhh, it wont be long before I feel like a winemaker again!
With all the stress of getting this house ready for market, I took Saturday night off. We were going out with friends we haven't seen in a while, I'd been working 11+ hours a day on the house and packing, blah, blah, blah. By about 4:00 Saturday afternoon, I'd decided I really needed to go for a run in the woods and have a glass of wine (or two) that night. It worked. I'm reenergized with the house and ready to finish up Lent. Didn't make it all the way this year, but close enough for government work, as they say. :D
For the spring equinox, I "lent" my friend a carboy to make more beer. Does that count? :D
I am with Jim. I "lent" a bottle of wine to my sister.............which we both enjoyed.
Day 38...

It just occurred to me when I looked at my current avatar, that I honestly do not remember what wine tastes like...

I guess I will find out in just 8 more days!!!!!!
Y'all ought to be feeling parched by now, aintcha????

PullIng the cork on a 2008 Stags leap tonight!!!

Sorry, I am fresh out of Welch's so I guess I am just gonna have to make do.

PullIng the cork on a 2008 Stags leap tonight!!!

Sorry, I am fresh out of Welch's so I guess I am just gonna have to make do.

John be like, POP, then next, "Where'd that all go so soon?" :)

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