Fresh Blueberry

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BDKS said:
We are going to make another trip to get more for a 6 gallon batch. Too bad they went up from $2.50 a pound to $2.80 from last year.

That's almost grocery store prices. Around here, they are about $3.50 for 12 ounces so its still cheaper than the store, but not much incentive to go out there and pick your own.

I love our area pick your own places. $6 - $8 a gallon. But you better get em early cause the fields get picked out.
Today I went to a flea market. There is a guy in the produce busines that sells "ripe" fruit. This is fruit that is very ripe and do not look good enough for grocery store shelves (just before it starts to spoil).

I got 48# of blueberry AND 40# of Strawberry for $30.00 ! Not counting what I got yesterday there.

This is the kind of fruit that is good for wine. High sugar content
Hey Tepe,

I know I could probably search around to find a blueberry recipe.....

Would you like to save me some time by giving me a good recipe?

I am planning on just doing a 1 gallon batch. (hopefully with an f-pack)
I like more body so for 1 gallon I suggest

4-5# frozen Blueberry

2# frozen blueberry for a f-pac later

Add blue to 1 gallon water in a paint straining bag
1tsp acid blend
1/2tsp pectic enzyme
Sugar to 1.085
let it sit24-36 hours
Hydrate Cote des Blanc yeast with 1tsp nutrient
add to must
If you have a 3 gallon bucket ferment in that
Ferment to 1.020 and remove blueberry
1.010 rack to carboy and whats left to a 1.5 ltr bottle. Now put both under an airlock.
After dry rack and add k-meta and sorbate. If making f-pac add it here
Thanks so much Buddy!!!

That sounds great. Should I add the whole yeast packet? (might be a dumb question, But I don't know with such a small batch)
yep yeast is cheap enough. Watch out recently all my "fruit" wines have fermented real FAST!Some in 3 days.
I like to use yeast nutrient also especially with Blueberry and cranberry as both of these fruits produce benzoate naturally which is a yeast inhibitor or when using Red Star Montrachet yeast as it is prone to H2S problems when it has to strain due to lack of nutrients which most fruit lack with the exception of most grapes.

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