Frozen Blackberries

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Jan 31, 2014
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I feel embarrassed about this. I thawed out about 5 lbs of frozen blackberries and set them aside in the bucket to start the preparation for primary fermenting, and time got away and they have been sitting in the bucket for 6 days now. The bucket was covered and the temperature has not been above 70. How can I tell if they are ok to continue with the fermenting or should I not gamble and just throw them out and start over.
That is a tough call for sure...The first 3 days, they were probably just fine.
Would take that long for them to thaw completely. After that I really dont know....if they have any off smell, i would toss them, are if any white layer of foam is on top..
It just 5 lbs... is a tough one to determine if they are bad are good.
Let your nose tell you.....If you think they are good, get some pectin, and campden/kmeta on them fast.
Thanks James for the quick reply. Upon close inspection, I noticed the top layer of berries has a lighter color and after moving the berries around I could see some bubbling. Apparently they have started fermenting just from the natural yeast and sugar of the berries. They don't smell bad, smells like berries with a slight hint of alcohol. They may have been in the bucket for a day or two longer than I thought.
they should be fine, six days is not enough time for berries that were frozen to spoil especially with temps not going higher than the 70's. Hit it with some k-meta and make some wine.
after reading on the shelf life of blackberries,,,3 to 4 days at room temp.
they dont define shelf life..but I know that blackberries will ferment if they have enough sugar contend...I think you got lucky...
As julie said, make some wine...You dont have anything to loose.

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