Fun with Labels

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Ben those labels are awesome. I can see Julie using the chocolate candy cane label. I did save the teachers ade for possible use down the road. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Ben,
Looks Like you having fun with it alright.
Looking good
Love the tree and dandelion ones. The pastors punch silhouette is also perfect. Nice job!
The dandelion and trees are defintiely my favorites. Really nice labels. Are you the artist? The trees are almost exactly something I wanted to create for a label on our site...darn you! :)Great job!
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Ben those labels are awesome. I can see Julie using the chocolate candy cane label. I did save the teachers ade for possible use down the road. Thanks for sharing.

that's what the label is for actually, julie gave me the recipe for her choclate candy cane recipe in jan. it's bottling time for that one soon, so i had to work up the label on that one.
The dandelion and trees are defintiely my favorites. Really nice labels. Are you the artist? The trees are almost exactly something I wanted to create for a label on our site...darn you! :)Great job!
the art for the teacher, the dandelion and the choc peppermint came from the web, then layered and edited with gimp. thanks for the compliments!!