Gelatin at top of Carboy

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Jan 7, 2013
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I am brand new here. I have made a Riesling kit wine so far, and it has turned out well so far. Just waiting to bottle it now. We have just recently started a Raspberry wine from scratch, general recipe from wine expert, and this is the one I have the question on.

So we made 3 gallons of wine with 9lbs of Raspberries, here is what I have put in it so far:

*21 pints of water
*7lbs of sugar
*3/10th tsp Metabisulfate
*1/2 tsp AcidBlend
*9/10th tsp Pectin Enzyme

It fermented for 12 days in primary, then I racked into carboy at SG 1.02. While it was in the primary it had the gelatinous material on the top, probably half an inch thick. So we racked it trying to avoid bringing that stuff, but we ended up getting some in the carboy. Here is a picture:


I've searched for quite a while, and I guess I'm not finding anything because I have no idea what it is called. I was thinking it might have something to do with Pectin, but I couldn't find anything that looked like it. So what is this? And what should I do with it? Is it something to be worried about? The wine smells good too.

I would imagine it is just raspberries that has turned to pulp. When the fruit starts to ferment it starts to breakdown.
You think so? I had the raspberries pressed inside a strainer bag and removed after 5 days. I didn't see any pulp after that until I popped open the primary halfway through fermentation.
if you pressed the bag you will have some of the pulp come out. I put my fruit in the bag and usually have some pulp in the wine because I squeeze or press the bag pretty good.
: ) Thank you Julie. Should I get it out as soon as possible so it doesn't produce off flavors?
It will be fine for a little while longer, check your sg, once you have fermented out, rack.
You could take a sanitized tea spoon and scoop most of that off the top. I'll bet your press overwhelmed your Pectic enzyme and that is vegetable fiber. It will probably fall by itself anyhow.
I tried that but it was very difficult to get it up, I think the only way to get it completely is to rack. I like your sig.


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