Well, for better or worse, my Port had the yeast pitched to about 20 minutes ago.
I began late friday night by cutting up and boiling my bananas and elderberries
While they were cooking, I disolved about 2 tbsp of my Bentonite along with the pack of Bentonite that came wit the Port kit andadded this to my primary fermenter.
I then opened my Black Currant and Blackgerry and added 1/2 can of the Black Currant to my primary. The Blackberry was more of a challenge as it has berries in it. I strained off the juice using a sanitized knee high panty hose and added the juice only to the primary with the Black Currant.
I then dissolved 3/8 tsp K-Meta and added to my must along with 3 tsp of Acid Blend, 4 tsp Yeast Nutrient and 1 tsp yeast energizer.
Gave this a good srtirring and decded to go ahead and dissolve my Malt extract with the Bananas and Elderberries
After I was satisfied the malt extract was dissolved I strained off the pulp from the bananas and elderberries and added the juice to my primary. I then dissolved4 lbs sugar in hot water and added to my primary. Might mention here that I am quick cooling all this by filling a zip loc bag with ice cubes and adding to the mixtures to cool it down before I add to my primary.
Gave all this a good stirring and checking my SG I was right at 1.092 with a must tempof 80 degrees.
It was now time to let this rest before I added my Pectic Enzyme so I went ahead and bottled my Muscadine Port
After drinking that glass I wasn't sure if I was justgetting up or just getting ready to go to bed
OK..OK...fast forward this to this morning....I added the Port juice to my must, giving it a thourough stirring
Checked my SG and I was at 1.120. A little below the target on the Port instructions but close enough for me as the kit also has a pack of dextrose for chaptalizing later on.
I then added the oak pack to the must
Stirred that in and pitched the yeast to it which by the way was 2 packets of Red Star Premièr Cuvée.
Its time now to go and sanitize another primary and get that Blackberry/Black Currant blend going.
Oh yes, I might add here that I have the banana/elderberry pulp in a strainer bag ( panty hose ) as well as the Blackberries and the 1/2 can of Currant juice all waiting patiently (and sulphited) for me.