looks a bit like a dig but best to look past it
"It establishes the basics that don't have the intuition of somebody like _____ who is blessed with it."
Rich, you are not wrong...but the statement about it establishing the basics is also not undyingly and forever correct either.....also, i will tell you Rich what i tell everyone....everyone has intuition (you Rich are blessed w it)...it is usually chased out of the human spirit that everyone posess's by pressures from society...truth be told Rich and i mean this from the bottom of my heart...i am dumber than most...i have a short attention span...probably a bit lazier than i should be too

...but when i was young i saw that most authorities only knew and did what other people told them to do and that they themselves were products of conditioning and easily fell into a layer of safety and comfort...so i figured i could find my way simply using common sense and be no worse for the wear
please remember that i am not against higher ed...take Mike for example.....higher educational resources can help him achieve what a landscaper doesn't need necessarily...now take that another step....has Mike or someone he works with ever felt restricted in their creativity? i am sure the answer has to be yes...he also achieves more in some instances because he is affiliated with a group...it bends both ways sometimes...the funny thing to is that at the end of the day...he plays happily with wine...where he can shine in his own way...that is cool...just a shame that he cant live that way all the time at work as well....not that he doesnt enjoy his work, i am sure he does...any way..points made
Hi Mike...you asked and commented:
"And you think this is a good thing? Just curious.
As we fall further and further behind other countries in math and science and more and more jobs are lost overseas there will be fewer and fewer people left that have the discretionary income available to purchase things like a $30 bottle of "Cenare"........
We desperately need our school system to succeed, not "collapse under it's own inefficiencies".
it is a good thing for something to fail when it is largely ruining young people...incredible amounts of money have been thrown at it, the system, in the name of making it better...you and i are about the same age...you and i have witnessed the same arguments since we have been in our teens Mike about how to make the system better..always in the name of our children...in the name of the future...you and i heard the same debates in the 80's...in the 90's and this last eleven yrs.....so please someone...anyone tell me why we have fallen further behind other countries? the logic from the people who run and support and cry for our educational system have been given all they want and more...and still it is never enough ...a rising tide lifts all ships so why didn't their answers work? why is it that only certain people succeed? why? remember we are talking about the entire system....if a current broken system fails it will be analagous to the old soviet union collapsing under its own weight....that was a system that was uninspiring and cookie cutter...money was thrown at that system too but people were left disillusioned just like what our school system as a whole does to our children...exceptions? good teachers? yes on both counts....and that is the problem, they are exceptions....a short time ago a young teacher in NY related that her own union and superiors stifle the things she needs to do...she is not wrong
by the way.....Cenare at 30 dollars when factored for inflation for a guy from NM who grew up in the seventies is nothing more than a ten dollar bite
when you say we desperately need for the system to succeed...Mike that was said by people in the colonies back in the 1750's 60's and 70's because they were under the umbrella of the empire that never saw the sun set an empire that had the most enlightened embrace of 'natural law' to that point in history.....and that system too was thought also to need to succeed....but you see, rot rises to the top after the cream first rose and is left to sit out unattended
and that last few words is the case in a nutshell...and to make light of this serious matter and to poke fun at myself a little.....when you hear father al say :"
rot rises to the top after the cream first rose and is left to sit out unattended.." i would add the following...for those with ears to hear...hear...and for those w eyes to see....see