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He's a good boy, but takes most things way to serious, work and education is at the top of his list. I have tried everything with him when he was young. Him and I would go camping all the time, fishing, skiing, hiking, if it was out side and naturistic, we were there............Now....... If Dad isn't doing it, he's not doing it. Except wine making... I thought each of the boys would get into it, neither did. Oh Well........
Saw this the other day on a fishing forum...this monster was caught in Mansfield CT and was 23lbs 8ozs and 42in long with a girth of 20in.

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document.write(timestamp(new Date(2007,1,4,8,10,0), dfrm, tfrm, 0, 0, 0, 0));

February 04, 2007 08:10 AM<NO></NO>
<HR style="COLOR: #238e23" SIZE=1>
Here are the pics


Nice fish!!!!!....She's a brut...[Yes guys....the big ones are the ladies...just full of eggs this time of the year, the males are small and skinny]....Hope the guy gets it mounted...those are once in a lifetime...
Wow, its amazing what a difference of putting something of scale next to an object will do. It looks small sitting on the ice and Chernobyl in his hands. I dont think thats an adjective but it is now!
Wade: I think Masta scours other message boards like, "Fishin theDish" "Wild Boar, and so much more","chicken, the other white meat" and "Venison, It's whats for dinner". He's trying torefine his hot sauce by ease dropping in on whats hot, and whats not
Wade...those fish pretty much have to be held up to show their true size....they all look like logs when they are laying flat.... is a fish story for your Fishing came via Email don't know if it is true or know how that goes....I looked on Snopes and couldn't find anything...

So...the story goes....the big fish [#44 ...54 inches long] grabbed the little fish [36 inches long]while the guy was reeling it in...


I can testify that this does happen...we had it happen once and I wasn't fast enough with the net to catch them both....ours were much smaller than that.


This was suppose to have happened in the Rainy River, which separates Minnesota and the Canadian border...

This fish is said to be #44...I looked in our rule book and the state record is do come that big.

Our fishing friend speared a was a beast...he had it mounted....Jim was with him at the time...they were both still shaking when they came home to have the photos taken...

Or best spearing is a #19 and #12.6 the same day in 2005, and last year a #17....these were not big enough to mount, but we did do the head of the #19'er...


Ours are babies compared to that big one in the fishing boat....we ate ours...very good eating at that size.
WOW!!!!!! Is that a Pike or a Muskie? I will definitely share those photos with a friend who is a regular poster on the CT forum and eats/sleeps/and breathes fishing.

My dad grew up in Rochester NY and told me they used whole 10-12" perch as bait to catch 40+ lb Muskies in Lake Ontario when he was a kid.
The biggest pike I ever got was about 42 inches. I don't know how much it weighed though. I measured it on the floor of the boat, so I had that pretty close, but no scale with me. I was going to bring it home with me, but like a dummy, I put it on a chain stringer. We got into the weeds and when I looked down a few minutes later, it was gone
Masta....That was a Northern Pike, muskies are kind of spotted.

The #19'er that Jim speared had a good sized fish inside of that kind of 'de-flates' you a bit when you see that...still was neat.

If we would have ever seen a shot of that BIG one hanging on to the other...doubt if we would have been taking photos....
rgecaprock said:
Snow is almost gone!!

Snow was gone except for in the drifts, piles and in the woods....then we got about 6 inches....then rain....

The ground is frozen solid from being cold and no snow when it melts and rains the puddles just sit....

Going to be a late spring before the frost leaves the ground....Rain tomorrow...that's a good thing.
We are sure needing some good rain. Pollen is getting heavy and thick on everything
Weve been getting 60'5 then cold with snow then back, etc., etc. for 2
weeks. Dont know whats going on here. The old saying here in New
England is, If you dont like the weather, wait five minutes.
Wade, that's the same thing they say everywhere. That being said, Memphis is having the kind of weather we usually say only occurs two days per year - once in Spring and once in Fall. Lows in the high 50's, highs around 80. Perfect.

All too soon it will be lows in the 80's, highs in the high 90's. Ramona knows. It's the same in Houston. Just lasts longer.