Gotta have some Hurricane Relief Humor

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As of tonight. We can relax somewhat. And know that life will be back to normal soon.

Great, Caring Forum Friends. Comforting knowing your are there......


I have some videos to post on photo bucket then on the forum...working that out....

A pictures of the sky on the evening of Ike.

Short movie from up on the roof before the storm. by: rgecaprock
Thanks for sharing the movie....Looks like the winds were picking up...

Seems you had enough trees around to protect you....Imagine you will b picking up branches for awhile.

Do you have power and water yet????
Found these pics on my Blackberry from Hurricane Gustav. The cable went out at the station and was out for a week. We "engineered" a TV antenna by unscrewing the coax from the wall outlet and slid a 14 gauge IV catheter (if you ever gave blood, that is the size they *** in you)over the copper wire. We got crystal clear (STERILE!)reception from the local stations!



Glad to see you made it through the storm so well Ramona.All we got here at Ft.Hood was 1/10th of an inch of rain and more work.You looked like you had the right attitude in those picts.

Yes I have full power tonight. Thank goodness for carboys and primaries...they are very valuable during a storm such as IKE. I had plenty of water. And even had a spigot to draw from. Bathtubs were filled for "flushing". So that concern was not an issue. I haven't emptied my wine containers yet in case someone needs some water. Today I heard that there was ice but no water. I can't seem to find any Houston winemakers. We could band together and fill up our carboys and primaries that is if they are not occupiedand help the less fortunate out, I had 18 gallons prefilled...had to use 6 of that amount.

I'm so thankful that everyone made it through Ike. He was mean! From Texas to Ohio and Indiana. Who ever would have guessed. I'm also thankful that the internet and wine forum have enabled me to know and care about so many people spread over such a distance.

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