Wen using a hydrometer there are #'s are it and the higher it sits the
higher the #'s are. In eaxample, when first starting the hydrometer
will read somewhere around 1.085 and when done it will sit very low
reading below the 1.000 mark(typically around .996. Test the hydrometer
in a glass of water and it should read right about 1.000 if the water
is around 60* degrees as thats what most hydrometers are calibrated to
but some are calibrated to 66 degrees. Check this out and then dissolve
some sugar in the water and the hydrometer will float higher. This
will help you to figure out how to read this wine making tool which is
ever so needed in this hobby. Happy Easter and glad you joined in here
Debz! As you can see in the picture below, the reading is between the
1.070 and 1.080 so the sg would be about 1.071.