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Junior Member
Dec 27, 2012
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Hello, I am a newbie to this site and to wine making. I am about to start my first batch (a Grand Cru Merlot kit). My problem is that I have read how important equipment sanitation is and the recommendation to use eithe iodophor or starsan for this purpose. However, I live in the Bahamas and I have not been able to find either. I have found a product called Sanirex. Has anyone ever heard of or used this product or do you think I can use it on my equipment. The label has instructions for use on food preparation equipment and it says "NO POTABLE WATER RINSE IS ALLOWED"

What do you think? Any guidance appreciated.
Not sure about the product you have, I am sure someone will chime in soon. But just wanted to answer you as,,sanitation is very important to winemaking, sanititize everything that touches the juice/wine even your hands. You'll be happy you did. If you can't find what you need there in the Bahamas,,,look at the venders list under the forum tab above, you can order what you need on line. Best of luck and welcome to the forum!!
Thanks Terry. I hope someone answers soon. I really excited and eager to get started but I don't want to poison myself and family with tainted wine.:e
I would not use it! it appears to have a fragrence that would probably taint the wine. Although sanitation is critical, it does not mean that everything must be sterile. In my opinion, if every thing is clean enough to eat off of, it will be good enough to make wine. so clean everything well, rince with clean fresh water and go ahead and make your wine, It will be OK!
do you have any potassium metaphosphate or campden tablets (K-Meta). This is used to stabilize your wine and kill off any micro organisms in the must. It can be and widely is used for sanitation as well.
Hello, I am a newbie to this site and to wine making. I am about to start my first batch (a Grand Cru Merlot kit). My problem is that I have read how important equipment sanitation is and the recommendation to use eithe iodophor or starsan for this purpose.
Welcome to our great hobby. Here's some quick comments on your post.

  • Grand Cru Merlot is a great choice for a first kit. Ready to drink relatively soon. Try to age some for a while, eg hide a box for minimum 6 months, preferably 12 (OK maybe half for 6 months, the other half for 12 months)
  • Not sure where you have been reading, but K-meta (potassium metabisulphite) is probably the commonest sanitizer used by wine makers - although some recommend rinsing after K-meta, I think most of us will suggest that it just be drained well - K-meta is a wine additive and trace amounts will not affect your wine
  • Iodophor - no rinse required after sanitizing - this is what I use, because the K-meta fumes irritate my throat
First, I second the suggestion of just ordering and using k-meta for your cleaning and disinfecting needs. That said, if you are comfortable drinking the water directly from the source, I would guess that you could use the Sanirex as long as you thoroughly rinse your equipment and anything that will touch the wine. If you are not sure about the water (some folks use well water which can be questionable), then use bottled water for a final rinse before starting the kit.
Thanks a lot guys for your responses. I took pjd's advice and didn't use the sanirex this time (I'll do a little more research on it) But I found some c brite at the bottom of the box my equipment came in and I read that previously it used to be sold as a sanitizer but due to some labelling laws they had to stop labelling as a sanitizer but the manufacturer claims that the formulation hadn't changed and it still "works and performs the same as it used to" so I used a packet in a 2 gallon solution. Hopefully It'll work. I'll let you know.

cpfan, thanks for the endorsement of the Grand Cru kit, I really had no idea when I was ordering. Does anyone else have any other kits that they made and liked? I would really like some recommendations so I can try a few.

Thanks again guys I look forward to getting to know a lot of you as I learn more about our hobby.
cpfan, thanks for the endorsement of the Grand Cru kit, I really had no idea when I was ordering. Does anyone else have any other kits that they made and liked? I would really like some recommendations so I can try a few.
You're probably better to start a new thread rather than burying it in this thread. Please provide some info about which brands you can get, or are you ordering from US retailers? Obviously RJ Spagnols is available.

Also provide some info about what wines you like, or I'll recommend some hard to find whites when you want reds. :i

Ok please excuse me but I am really excited here (doing my happy dance) my air lock is bubbling so I have fermentation going on. I AM ACTUALLY MAKING WINE!!!!!!
Congrats, don't cut yourself short by being inpatient. Yes you are making wine but for now look at it as just converting sugar into Co2 and Alcohol. your must (juice) will need to go through several step from this point to become wine, one of those steps only mother nature and father time can provide.
Thanks Duster,

Yeah, I'm not even touch the bucket for the next fourteen days. But that does raise a question though. Is the 14 day period a minimum? Can I let it sit longer and if so would it improve the quality of the final product or would there be any benefit at all?
Thanks Duster,

Yeah, I'm not even touch the bucket for the next fourteen days. But that does raise a question though. Is the 14 day period a minimum? Can I let it sit longer and if so would it improve the quality of the final product or would there be any benefit at all?
The 14 days in primary fermentation on that kit are a little long (IMO). I would definitely try to transfer to carboy around that date. After that, I would extend the time frames.

The 14 days in primary fermentation on that kit are a little long (IMO). I would definitely try to transfer to carboy around that date. After that, I would extend the time frames.


Ditto - also the SG levels mean more at this stage then time. After fermentation has stopped and the wine has been stabilized, then become your best friend.
ok gotcha, but I don't take any SG readings until racking time right? It's strictly DO NOT DISTURB time until then.