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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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Anyone sporting any guns on here besides arctic's computer tool? :h I have an AR-15, 12 gauge and a 9mm Glock.

They will take my wine from me only when they pry the carboy out of my hands.:D I live in a place where I go to the outhouse with a gun strapped to my hip. I don't envy you all who live in the city. I want to be safe from the wildlife around me, not from someone elses life that has went wild. But I like the guns Wade, guess I won't be breaking into your cellar afterall.
I never have liked those Glocks, too many issues with the safety mechanism, they actually forbidded the Fairbanks Cops from carrying them. If it was me I would sell it and get a Hi Point. I used to own a S&W 459, held 19. 19 reasons to bust a cap on those who needed a cap busted up on em. We can carry concealed here without a permit. Not to many home invasions and stuff like that round here. Thats a good thing.:f
( by the way, the computer repair tool is a 20" Rossi side by side, it'll take a 3 1/2" Mag, computers are terrified of em!!!)
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I have had that Glock for 8 1/2 years and never had a problem. the Glock I have is the preferred by Homeland security!
I have sort of gotten away from the modern firearms
Yes I still have and carry a licensed ppd revolver but these are more my style now


And I also hand make these little thingies from old lawn mower blades

Tennis shoes vs guns

There was an old story I heard years ago about two hunters. One was experienced, and the other was not. They ran into a bear, and the senior dropepd to his knees and dug through his backpack and rustled out a pair of tennis shoes. The younger man tried to remind him that there was no way he could outrun that bear. As the old timer tied the final lace, he jumped up and ran off. The last thing the youg guy heard was the old timer yelling behind him was, "yeah but I can outrun you, sucker.":f

holy carafe batman.jpg
Cool Jerry. ran in to an old timer a while back, he makes knives from old circulas saw blades. Really neat stuff.
hey wade nice collection.. i have a taurus millenium 9mm, kimber stainless target II, also 9mm, and 2 stag arms AR's... looking to get either the kimber ultra carry II with the laser grips or the springfield EMP soon i love my kimbers lol
I have a small collection of everyday shooters, 3 .22 rifles(including my competiton rifle), .50 blackpowder hawkins rifle, .44 1860 colt blackpowder pistol. But my 2 most favorite guns are my 20 ga. H&R single shot and my interarms virginian dragoon in .41 magnum.
Kimbers are awesome, my instructor carries the Ultra and it is sweet! This below is my dream pistol though, The Wildey 475 Magnum!!!!!!!!!! This is the gun used in Deathwish by Charles Bronson!

wade that is pretty cool. i do love the ultra carrys though they just make me happy in ways that guns shouldnt make a girl happy lol. hate how exspensive they are though... i have to have expensive taste is everything i do!!! thats why i make my wine at home now lol
Big firearm enthusiast. Very much enjoy building, modifying and shooting "black rifles". I have several carry arms. Favorite right now is a gutter sight Colt New Agent .45.
Its funy how alcohol and guns just go together! Just dont use the 2 together please!
Funny you mention that, when I seen Tx's comment I was thinking something similar, and I agree they don't go together, rather instead it's possible they compliment each other. And on the same subject kitten cracked me up saying, "guns make me more happy than a girl should feel", something like that. She outta see some of the Annie Oakley types up here! I kinda like girls with guns, then they don't have to borrow mine!:f I will give my woman anything, but not my gun, my computer, or my truck. I will do anything possible to get them their own, but somethings are mine.!!! You go Kitten!!! Love the attitude.
Aye Aye Captain. My Dad used to say something like"... one is for shooting one is for fun".
"This is my rifle, this is my gun..." I think thats how it went.
I think thats correct Wade. I had a chance to fire a Desert Eagle .50 cal not long ago. Lottta gun there, and if it ever failed you could always yous the damn thing as hammer.. My buddy just bout a .50 mag, I think it was aS&W, he had it ported and said it was still alot to hang onto.
I haven't fired it myself, but that is one hell of a round compared to that desert Eagle.
We have a fair arsenal around here and most of the guns are my wifes. She also likes to wear real fur. Gotta love her. But I just bought a nail driver yesterday. A Henry Golden Boy in the .17 cal.HMR. Incredible balistics. Hope to have some fun with it this weekend.
yea you have to have some balls to hold onto anything thats 50 cal... i unfortunatly dont have balls lol so i damn near hit myself in the head with it. they are fun though... shoot a watermellon with it and see whats left.. those things are destructive!!!!! ::

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