Well, I am back online for now. Got power back last night. Still don't have any in Baton Rouge at my EMS station I have been at work since Sunday night. I do get to go home every day but I just sleep and get up and go back in. It hasn't been bead at work the past couple nights and thank god I am on nights. It is cooler and the volume is lower. There has been a curfew as well at 8 PM which really helped things. They raised to to 10 PM last night though.
I was on days when Katrina and Rita came through. We actually had a ton more damage from this storm here at home in Gonzales and in Baton Rouge. I probably have $40,000 damage between the house and our business buildings not counting the loss of income for a week or better. Gonna need a new roof on 5 buildings. Hope to be back open Tuesday though. Dunno what to do though as it looks like the next one, Ike may be coming this way.
I'm not going to be around much for a bit I guess as I don't have power at work yet or cable where I can look at the forums on slack times and I have just been coming home, sleeping and going back in. I'll try to catch up when I can. I am sure the questions are being answered as quick as normal though so I look forward to seeing the posts