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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Wishing all our Southern Friends and Members a safe journey through this imposing storm.

Hoping you and your wines make it through in great shape.

I am sure that Smurfe is out doing his duty as well as others in the care giving and civic personal....

Be safe my Friends.
Sure glad it diminished before hitting..hoping all is well with you smurfe
I'm still on lock down in my hospital. We can't really leave until Monday morning. On the clock 24/7 Cha Ching...........

Hope smurfe is faring well in the Baton Rougearea
Well, I am back online for now. Got power back last night. Still don't have any in Baton Rouge at my EMS station I have been at work since Sunday night. I do get to go home every day but I just sleep and get up and go back in. It hasn't been bead at work the past couple nights and thank god I am on nights. It is cooler and the volume is lower. There has been a curfew as well at 8 PM which really helped things. They raised to to 10 PM last night though.

I was on days when Katrina and Rita came through. We actually had a ton more damage from this storm here at home in Gonzales and in Baton Rouge. I probably have $40,000 damage between the house and our business buildings not counting the loss of income for a week or better. Gonna need a new roof on 5 buildings. Hope to be back open Tuesday though. Dunno what to do though as it looks like the next one, Ike may be coming this way.

I'm not going to be around much for a bit I guess as I don't have power at work yet or cable where I can look at the forums on slack times and I have just been coming home, sleeping and going back in. I'll try to catch up when I can. I am sure the questions are being answered as quick as normal though so I look forward to seeing the posts
Sorry to hear about the damage, but glad you and yours pulled through with no major problems (health or injury-wise) -- although I'm not trying to diminish the damage.

See you when you get back -- be SAFE!!!
Good luck with Ike Smurfe. Hope things get back to normal for you soon. We are getting the remnants of TS Hannah now-just a very few scattered light showers. The wind isn't hardly even blowing a breeze now. That one diminished in a hurry. Hope Ike does for you also.
We are supposed to get some serious rain here from Hanna. They are saying about 6-8" of rain. My sump pump will be in overdrive!!!!!!!!!!!
wade said:
What business do you do when you are not an EMT?

We own a private school and early learning facility with close to 200 kids.
Smurfe runs a school like the "School of Rock" only his is the School of Boch where he teaches the kids how to make Beer!
LOL, just "kidding"..............Oh I did it again.... Seriously, I hope things settle back down soon so the kids have a place to go again sson. It is not only hard on the kids, but hard on the parents also when their school day is disrupted. Good Luck.
We got almost 8 inches of rain here from Gustaz and on soil that was already saturated from previous rains. It is unbelievable at the numberof trees we have lost because the ground is so saturated. Fortunately I have not lost any myself. Did have one very interesting experience though. We lost power around midnight Tuesday. When I got home Wednesday evening, it was still off so i called one of my neighbors whose son works for the Electric company that provides our power. Bill informed me that they were anticipating our power would not be restored until probably early friday morning. Kat told me that she had talked to her Mother, Our daughter and both my sisters down in malvern and they were all out of power too and not expecting to get it back until Friday or Saturday. I headed to the ice house, loaded up and came back and packed all of the contents of our two refrigators in ice chests. Did not open my freezers, figured they would hold oki for at least another day or so if I didnt open them. Anyway, our house is pretty still and stuffy by now and about 9:30 Kat and I went to bed. About 20 minutes later the phone rang and it was our daughter calling to tell us that their power had just came back on. Of course we were thrilled for them. I told Kat that since she was planning on going to Malvern the next day anyway why not just go on down tonight & have a slumber party with Sherrie After some reluctance, mostly about leaving me here alone she agreed and got up and started getting ready. At this moment, I remembered that Kat had put her Emrgency Road kit in my truck for my trip to the Razorbacks game in Fayetville las saturday aand it was still there, so, I got up, slipped on my shoes and in them and my underwear I went out into the ongoing storm and got her kit oot of my truck and put it back in her van. Just as I closed the door to her van, The power came back on and there i stand in the middle of our driveway, in all of my radiant glory. A car passin honked several time and i just waved at them and headed back into the house. What a picture that would have been....Well, I googled one I felt was closest to what had happened, added my mug to it and here is the recreation of that event........


Edited by: Waldo
Glad you got your power back...Hope all your food was okay.

Funny stuff getting caught outside like that.....We have both been outside a couple times in our underwear trying to get photos of bears in the with the camera and Jim with a shotgun...luckily no one showed up.
We got hammered with about 5.5" of rain from Hanna yesterday. Waldo that reminds me of a story when I bought my 1st truck. It was my pride and joy when it finally hit the road. I had it all painted and lifted with big tires, just a beautiful truck it was. But anyway, It was about 3 am in the morning and thundering land raining like a son of a gun outside and that set off the alarm on my truck. This alarm was extremely loud and was waking everybody up and my remote just didnt want to work so I go running out side to shut the dang thing off before the whole neighborhood could lynch me. So here I am running as fast as I can in my underwear like you and slipped right in the middle of the front yard and was covered head to toe in mud cause my parents never took care of their yard and the lawn was almost completely barren. I was so pissed off by the time I got to the truck and the stupid remote control was still not shutting the alarm down that I just ripped the all the wires out of the back of that alarm.

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