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Happy Birthday Bert, hope you have a blessed day! May you have many more!!!!
happy bd2u
happy bd2u
happy bd dear bertttttttttttttttttttttttt
happy bd2u
and many more!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us know which bottle(s) you pop for celebrating another year of life experience under your belt. :)

- Jim
Happy birthday Bert best wishes for many more.AL
Hey Bert!! You KNOW I want to wish you a Happy Birthday.
I hope the Princess bakes you a Real cake!!
Thank You all for the Birthday wishes....Had a great day and got home from work and picked about 4lbs of choke cherries, while PWP made a great dinner [potatoes, meatballs and gravey] and opened a bottle of Waldo's great wine.....the wine was a Muscadine/Grape Blend....Just great Waldo, Thank You
Happy B-Day Bert! Dont know how I missed this but glad I snuck it in! That dinner sounds good. My neighbor gave me a humongous Zucchini so I battered and fried it up and fed the whole family on it alone with Marinara.
Bert did get a real cake for his birthday, but it was the early part of August. Since his birthday is late August, and my son's birthday is in September, I didn't plan to see either of them on their birthday due to field work. So, in early August, when we had company, there was a surprise party. I told Bert that it was a surprise party for Brian, I told Brian it was a surprise party for Bert. Worked like a charm. Everyone else knew the whole story. You should have seen the confusion on their faces when we said they each had to hold the cake for a picture!
There was good food, cake, presents, wine, beer and a good company. The cake came from a local bakery where my son's girlfriend works.

Hi Bert, how did I miss your birthday??? (I actually know how - I was on the road.) Happy belated birthday and.... that cake looks delicious.