Happy Holidays

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Thanks! I thought I suddenly felt a little buzzed...
Bert and I have started our fire for the day. There's a wood stove in the shop out back, so we fired that up to warm things up out there. Unfortunately, there's no glass or anything like that, so we have to open the door to look at the pretty fire. That lets smoke into the shop. It's not quite the same as your pretty fire...
PolishWineP said:
Thanks! I thought I suddenly felt a little buzzed...
Bert and I have started our fire for the day. There's a wood stove in the shop out back, so we fired that up to warm things up out there. Unfortunately, there's no glass or anything like that, so we have to open the door to look at the pretty fire. That lets smoke into the shop. It's not quite the same as your pretty fire...

speaking of, I found out the wife bought one at Home Depot, not Lowe's - here is the corrected picture

I took a big spoonful of honey the other night and I feel better so I've been doing some gulping myself the past couple of days and will have some wine today around wine-thirty.
