Has anyone heard from SammyK?

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Some people also did make it through the forum merger but found this forum to hard to follow or just didnt want to deal with a change. We also lost a few due to them discovering they were becoming alcoholics. That appleman guy was a real PITA though so Im glad we lost him in the mix!!!!!
You know I just could never understand how Grapeman put up with Appleman for as long as he did!!!!!!!
The funny thing about this appleman guy is that some of the newer people will think we really mean it about him and wonder why we are all callous people.
Could you all please tell me where the ignore button is? I don't feel the need to use it yet, but I know how sometimes things escalate fast, and I'd rather ignore than feed the fire if that happens.

Golly grapeman, seems you've changed huh! Grow more grapes than apples now?

Pam in cinti
Pam, Rich used to be a big apple farmer before switching over to grapes.

I understand your concern but to be honest I don't even know where the ignore button is. Someone did figure it out about a month ago and hopefully the'll pop in here.

Should I hurry up and say everything I want to say before you find it? :)
Some people also did make it through the forum merger but found this forum to hard to follow or just didnt want to deal with a change. We also lost a few due to them discovering they were becoming alcoholics. That appleman guy was a real PITA though so Im glad we lost him in the mix!!!!!

I thought I had discovered I was becoming an alcoholic but then I found out I was just a seriously heavy drinker who can't stop on his own. Man was I relieved! :)

There's a reason the best time to get used winemkaing equipment is in January...

IGNORE the ignore button! Just read the stuff that looks like a car wreck and don't comment. More fun that way. I always set a timer - When will JULIE bring the hammer down? :)

It's like a game show then...
JIM..:ft:ft:ft:ft:ft There I thought I would beat Julie to it.

Really James whenever I see a post with your name on it I never miss opening it either for a laugh or good info. Julie on the other hand opens them looking to find me some company in the corner.
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I never want to go to the corner again, with all those goats and no sheep.
I will do my best this year in remaining calm,cool,and collected...Maybe
Well Dan, you are my friend and I don't want to see you being lonely. And on that same note I have come to look at Jim as a friend, also, and I don't want him to be stuck with only you in the corner, so I now am looking for members that would keep you and Jim company on a happy note.
I never want to go to the corner again, with all those goats and no sheep.
I will do my best this year in remaining calm,cool,and collected...Maybe

James, I hate to tell you this but Dan was not talking about you. Besides he has a special corner I send him to and i decide who else goes there to keep him company.
Dan, call everyone by their names like everyone else. Your getting them all confused calling Jim James. LOL