HELLO from australia

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Aug 7, 2024
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Hello ,
Name is TJ i am from Australia ,
Calabrian background, ive been making RED GRAPE wine for a few years now on my own, though growing up when the grandparents were able to it was a once a year get together with the family event. I am only interested in red grape wine nothing else.
Now that they are unable to make it anymore i have taken the reins. I always done it the way i was shown,crush , ferment,press then barrel. Never did i add anything. This year was my first year killing off the wild yeast and adding the yeast, nutrient etc. Not sure if its the "proper" way of doing wine but i am doing it more controlled now. I signed up on this forum to read and learn as i have a passion for this.

speak to you guys/girls soon
Welcome to the forum.
Hello ,
Name is TJ i am from Australia ,
Calabrian background, ive been making RED GRAPE wine for a few years now on my own, though growing up when the grandparents were able to it was a once a year get together with the family event. I am only interested in red grape wine nothing else.
Now that they are unable to make it anymore i have taken the reins. I always done it the way i was shown,crush , ferment,press then barrel. Never did i add anything. This year was my first year killing off the wild yeast and adding the yeast, nutrient etc. Not sure if its the "proper" way of doing wine but i am doing it more controlled now. I signed up on this forum to read and learn as i have a passion for this.

speak to you guys/girls soon
Welcome. From what I understand, the old ways work and the new ways work… you just have more control when you use commercial yeast and nutrients.
Welcome to WMT! Start with the end in mind and do what works for you, to make what you like. Some processes will be different among folks for their tastes, level of comfort, experience, equipment, volume of wine, desired outcomes, and interest in trying something new or different. There’s a lot of good experience here with all of it!