Hello from Harrisburg PA

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Dec 7, 2009
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Name is Adam.

I've recently got into home brewing and my wife has asked about me making some wine. So here I am.

I'm a cigar lover, most forms of alcohol, and currently have two very different batches of cider. One is bottled the other is in a secondary.

I'm here to find out what kits are good to use and the necessary tips and tricks so I don't waste money.
Welcome adam, We would be glad to help you in the wine and beer making adventure. What kind of wines are you looking to make and do you have a local brew shop and what do they sell as far as wine kits. im not big on Winexpert kits though. Let us know where you reside.

So far wife and I have only made kits. What kind of wines do you like to drink? Generally a white wine will be able to drink earlier than a red, but they both require a lot more time to age then the "28 day" wine kits would lead you to believe.

Well she's interested more in Whites and I'm interested more in reds. My favorite wine is Amarone so I figure if I did a batch this summer I could be drinking it in three years or so and just keep doing a batch a year. Until I have a good supply of it built up. I can let things age I have some decently aged cigars so aging wine isn't an issue.

My wife on the other hand my be more one of those expecting the kit to be drinkable in less than six months. I would like to get a white kit going now so it might be ready or at least somewhat drinkable by summer.

I do have a home brew store seemingly well stocked. I didn't check out the wine section in depth. I will check it out on saturday I've only been in for beer/cider related supplies.

The place is Scotzin bros in Lemoyne PA. I also have a couple other close ones like Steve's Home brew.
Our first 5 wines were all RJ Spagnols Grand Cru. They are moderately priced with a good track record.

For whites we made a Pinot Gris, and a Gewürztraminer. Both turned out excellent after 6 months and drinkable in 3.

Depending on how quickly your shop turns over their kits you may want to be concerned with the age of the kit.....somewhere on this site somebody posted a thread on how to read the date codes on the boxes for different manufacturers. You want a kit that's been made within the past year...younger the better.

Let us know what you go with.....your'e gonna fall in love with this 'hobby'.

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