Hello from MN

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Junior Member
May 27, 2013
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I am the new guy from MN. I started this hobby in Jan out of a need for a quiet hobby, and now I am hooked.

I find myself looking at the bubbles in my airlock and watching my wines clear everytime I pass by my new Hobby Wine room. My wife laughs at me and thinks it's silly that I stare at the process.

The art of wine making is way more interesting than I thought it would be. I can't wait to try some of the stuff I have read here on this site.

The gear I have collected since Jan for this hobby has pushed the wife's sewing and scrapbooking equipment far far off to the corner. Once she see's the new 60 bottles of wines she won't care though.

Thanks for the great site and info friends.
Welcome to the group. I too, am guilty of pulling up a chair and just admiring the process. Kind of like an expectant father. :)
Welcome and yes, it is quite relaxing to just sit and watch airlocks bubble and wine clear. In the summer, it's sit out and watch grapes grow and during the winter it's sit and watch the wine.
Hello friends my name is Brian Winston i am a new member of this informative community and having great time here thanks to all existing members..
You are way up there in NW MN. I live in Fargo. If you're ever down this way, let me know. We can do some tasting. :)