Hello from Ontario

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Mar 14, 2010
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Hi everyone, my name is Matthew and i'm from Mississauga Ontario Canada.
I've always liked drinking wine and my dad always makes wine from grapes but my wife and i don't like the taste of his wine so i decided to buy a kit and give it a shot.

Maybe one day i'll get to use his tools and crush my own grapes.
Hi and welcome. This is a great site with lots of friendly folks. Jump right in and get to know us.
Hi everyone, my name is Matthew and i'm from Mississauga Ontario Canada.
I've always liked drinking wine and my dad always makes wine from grapes but my wife and i don't like the taste of his wine so i decided to buy a kit and give it a shot.

Maybe one day i'll get to use his tools and crush my own grapes.

Welcome Matthew to a great hobby/obsession. Kits are awesome way to make wine...we're on number 15 or so now.

HOWEVER....do not let the opportunity to learn your fathers craft, what a great thing for a father to be able to pass down to his son, and you'll have that opportunity to pass it on to your own children. Even if you don't like HIS wines you'll no doubt learn WHY you don't like his wines....perhaps it's his choice of grape, or something he does differently.

Just a thought.

That said......

What are you making for a kit. Keep us posted and we'll be there for your questions.
What kind of wines do you and SWMBO like? What ever you like that should be what you make. Do you have a local supplier near you? Maybe we can give you an idea of which kit to be your 1st.
Welcome Aboard Wolfman. We look forward to hearing about your adventures. If you're not sure of something please ask before proceeding with your kits and we'll be more then happy to help you out. What are you making right now. Did anyone mention to you that the first 10 people that respond to your introduction you have to send each of them a bottle from your first batch!:h You are very lucky to have a hobby to be passed down to you from your dad. Learn the basics from him and the folks on here can give you the knowledge you need to tweak it to your likings. You have just joined the best pack on the web!
WOW how true. I forgot about that. Does that mean I get 2 bottles?
Welcome Matthew, glad to have you aboard and yes we would like to know if you can describe what exactly your father makes and how he does it that you dont like it unless you just dont like a red or white wine.
Hi Matthew,

Welcome aboard. I sure you are going to like it here. Maybe once you get the hang of wine making you can figure out what it is that your Dad does or makes that you do not like.

Dan, you got that a little wrong, it is 1 thru 3 and 5 and 6 after the 1st initial post that get the wine and Tom since you have 2 within the right requirements you should get a bottle of wine but you now have to give one to Matthew. :h
thanks for the warm welcome gang, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy like after a few bottles of wine in me lol

Green Mountains-i won't let the opportunity of learning wine making with grapes just slip thru my fingers, i come from a portuguese family where alot of things are made by tradition and where nothing goes unused and i think its the type of grapes he uses and if i'm not mistaken there the Grenache kind.

Tom-we drink alot of Merlot's, and Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz's and Valpolicella and Pinot Grigios and we do have a supplier

RunningWolf-well if i ever get this batch of Cabernet Sauvignon up to 70 degrees i'll be more than glad to share with everyone but only if i can stop tasting the stuff long enough to get it into the bottles lol

Wade-i really don't know what kind of red he makes but its very very strong and tastes horrible lol, lots of tannins in it, never really asked him his process cause of not liking what he makes if that makes sense but he does make a very good white wine i may add which i don't know the name of the grape

Julie- thanks for the welcome and i'd be glad to share that bottle that Tom has to give me lol
Hi Matthew,

You can come on down here and I'll have Tom send that wine to me since I live in the states, it will be cheaper to send that way. :h
Hmm.. Its that funny NEW MATH that Julie is talking about. Just cant figure those numbers she is talking about. Where I come from the 1st 10 would b
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.. I thinks i needs another bottle to figure it out...

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