Help from my gardening friends on the forum...

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Chronologically Gifted Member
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Jan 29, 2011
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Central Ohio
I need some help from the gardening experts on the forum. I have a plant that is growing in the surrounding of my patio and I have no idea what it is or how it got there. It is a type of vine, really nice looking and healthy and I intend to transplant it from its current location to a bed. I tried the on-line identification programs and got no where. Here are some pix. I appreciate any insight. Thank you.

Lamium (or Lamiastrum) galeobdolon, common name 'Yellow Archangel'

(There's a great app called 'Seek' that you can get for your phone: point your camera at some living thing and in many cases it'll tell you what it is. I knew that this was a Lamium ('false nettle', related to mint) but using Seek on your picture gave me the exact species...)
Lamium (or Lamiastrum) galeobdolon, common name 'Yellow Archangel'

(There's a great app called 'Seek' that you can get for your phone: point your camera at some living thing and in many cases it'll tell you what it is. I knew that this was a Lamium ('false nettle', related to mint) but using Seek on your picture gave me the exact species...)
Bingo! That is it, no question.

I have read briefly that it is considered an invasive species but I really like it. I have other "invasive species" in my yard (Burning Bush, for one) which are unpopular with the horticulturalists in the area, but I like them a lot too. I am befuddled as to how it grew there, being a river stone apron around the patio but I suppose a bird deposited a seed. I think I will still transplant it and keep a wary eye on its spreading.

Thank you for your help.
Damn burning bush. I pull hundreds of seedlings every year. If I manage to clear an area I usually have native ferns pop up.

Yeah, keep an eye on it. Years ago I transplanted ironweed, thought it was Joe Pye weed, been paying the price ever since. I later planted Joe Pye, much more well behaved.
I need some help from the gardening experts on the forum. I have a plant that is growing in the surrounding of my patio and I have no idea what it is or how it got there. It is a type of vine, really nice looking and healthy and I intend to transplant it from its current location to a bed. I tried the on-line identification programs and got no where. Here are some pix. I appreciate any insight. Thank you.

View attachment 113148
View attachment 113149
View attachment 113150
It looks like uwanamus.1717681567932.png

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