The 2nd wine I ever made was an Australian Cab Sauvignon from RJS. It was their high end En Primueur series. For the longest time, even after a year, I thought it had kit taste (of course how would I know since this was only my second wine?). Then over winter it did get a few wine diamonds in the carboy with temps in the mid to upper 50's. Then I described it as tasting buttery--is that malic acid? I'm used to cab sauv's having a little more bite to them--this buttery version was very off-putting.
Now after 2.25 years, it tastes good with just a hint of butter. Still not quite what I'm used to but enjoyable none the less. So, what is this that I've experienced? Is it something you've had happen before? Is there anything I could have done differently for future reference? Or is this simply, "wine tastes weird, let it age until it tastes good" situation?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Now after 2.25 years, it tastes good with just a hint of butter. Still not quite what I'm used to but enjoyable none the less. So, what is this that I've experienced? Is it something you've had happen before? Is there anything I could have done differently for future reference? Or is this simply, "wine tastes weird, let it age until it tastes good" situation?
Thanks for your thoughts.