help with FWK kit

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Mar 30, 2022
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SE Missouri
I posted this in the wine kit section, under the Finer Wine Kit thread, but was hoping for a quick response since I think I need to react promptly. Hope it is OK to post here also.
I purchased a Finer wine kit Forte Super Tuscan kit from Label Peelers and it was delivered Wednesday 9/21, yesterday I prepared the must, diluting the juice concentrate added the skins, seeds, oak chips and packet A, which I assume is K Meta. Sanitized everything and used good technique. Made the yeast starter as directed, to be pitched 18-30 hours later.
Today when I added the starter I noticed that it is already bubbling (as I was adding the yeast starter). SG has dropped 2-3 points. I Put an airlock on just to confirm and it is bubbling steadily at 30+ bubbles /minute.
So I assume that there is a yeast other than the one I just pitched already fermenting. Since I already pitched the yeast (RC212) what should I do? Add More K Meta, wait another 24 hours and re-pitch? I have another 5 gm of RC212. I Also have EC 1118 but don't think that would be ideal.
Hopefully the package arrived still cold and you refrigerated it until you were ready to start. Was it bubbling before you added your yeast starter? If so I might have sent LP a note describing the situation. I wouldn’t expect it to start so soon.

Now that your yeast starter is in I suggest doing nothing except what the instructions call for. Best case scenario is your added yeast out competes the wild yeast. Your ferment seems to have started so no need yet to consider adding more.
Yes, it was refrigerated for the 30 hours or so between receiving and starting. The juice concentrate was not bloated and I didn't notice any signs of fermentation. I sent Label Peelers an email asking what to do, but it was Friday night so of course so I probably won't receive a reply until Monday. SG had dropped a couple of points at pitch and has dropped about 10 more since.
I did add another packet of RC212, didn't see any harm and maybe that will help out compete the other yeast. At this point I guess all I can do is wait until it's finished and see how it turns out. Not to crazy about 6 gallons ($130 worth) of a wild ferment but who knows, it may be good.
@Huba Huba, your wine is most likely be fine. Folks that ferment with indigenous yeast typically report good results, and you added 2 packets of RC-212, so it's highly likely to take over. If anything, your wine may benefit from the complexity of starting with one yeast and then a second taking over.
This wine is now 10+ months old in bulk storage, at the end of April the taste was very good with just a little bitterness at the end. I thought additional aging would, hopefully, take care of the bitterness.
Was racked in October at the end of fermentation, added the provided kit packets plus an additional 1/8 tsp K Meta. Racked again and added 1/4 tsp K meta in January and April. It's aging in a carboy with an "S" type airlock, the airlock is full and checked a couple of times a month or more, and has always been kept full. July 31, I added K Meta and did not rack, I did however taste it. It taste old or oxidized, color is still good, no browning, the acid, tannin and oak are still discernible and good, but the fruitiness is decreased/over shadowed. Tasted again tonight and it hasn't changed.
Is this a normal aging phase that will disappear? Honestly it's not drinkable at this time.
This kit started fermenting before I added the provided yeast, surely that doesn't have anything to do with it?
I don't have a way to measure sulfite, is it possible its to high? or to low?
The wine should taste pretty good at this point. Did you add the oak cubes for bulk aging?

I did however taste it. It taste old or oxidized, color is still good, no browning, the acid, tannin and oak are still discernible and good, but the fruitiness is decreased/over shadowed. Tasted again tonight and it hasn't changed.
I'm not sure what you meant in the highlighted part. Please clarify.
I used the oak cubes included with the kit, added Oct 6 and removed the end of April.
The taste is difficult to describe, sort of musty. I have opened and tasted old bottles of wine that have started to turn brown and have a musty old taste. No longer fruity and bright, that is close to what I taste. Odd thing is it was good when racked in April.
The "not drinkable" comment is not a literal statement, it's just not something that I would want to drink.
I used the oak cubes included with the kit, added Oct 6 and removed the end of April.
The taste is difficult to describe, sort of musty. I have opened and tasted old bottles of wine that have started to turn brown and have a musty old taste. No longer fruity and bright, that is close to what I taste. Odd thing is it was good when racked in April.
The "not drinkable" comment is not a literal statement, it's just not something that I would want to drink.
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer.
Huba Huba I had that exact problem with a batch of Petite Verdot from fresh grapes. The vineyard accidentally crushed my grapes and it was several days before I picked up the must. It had already started fermentation. I pitched commercial yeast and all seemed good for nearly a year. Then a musty smell. I tried several things but nothing helped. I bottled it after 18 and it is definitely oxidized.

I have added finishing tannins to a few bottles and that helps a bit. I use it for cooking and make a port style by the bottle by sweeting and fortifying. I can’t give you much hope. Sorry.
I have no experience with “cork taint”, and no corks are involved but would contamination with TCP be a possibility? Might sort of taste like the description of it. The next time I taste it I will try to tell the musty taste has any resemblance to wet cardboard. How long would that take to show up? The last thing added was oak, ever heard of that being contaminated? Could it be in the skins or seeds and not show up until now?
I am just throwing out ideas and trying to learn, but at this point it looks like I will be throwing out 6 gallons of wine also. Another couple of months will tell.

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