Hi cindilu8
if you see mold and smell vinegar, let them be. Possibly folks with more experience might say otherwise, but I'd just say saving the skins is one of the many lessons you'll learn from this batch. And you do have way too much kmeta. very sorry the store couldn't tell you, and really shocked there were no instructions, but it should be 1/4 tsp for every 5-6 gallons. Meaning if you have a 5 gallon carboy and a 6 gallon carboy each carboy should have just 1/4 tsp added. So it will take time for the excess to get bound up or what ever happens to it when you stir it hard.
Like before, I"m guessing a week before you even try a starter. There is a whole forum with instructions on how to do things (Tutorials and Reference Guides), and I got this yeast starter info from there.
Be sure you go down and read the section where they tell you to add more from juice every couple hours or however long, because without an expensive tool to read your SO2 level attempting to get a starter to live when you add must (juice) in stages is the only way you can really know if the SO2 level has gotten low enough that the yeast has a chance to live.
Also I don't know which yeast you are using but due to your situation I'd recommend Lalvin EC-1118. It wouldn't be my first choice but it is the hardiest yeast around, and right now that is most important.
BTW if you don't have yeast nutrient or anything else needed you actually have time to order some if your local shop doesn't have any. Might as well learn good practices now. Poke around the tutorial section for other helpful gems like this one.
Good Luck. Don't panic. It will take time to get that starter to live since the Kmeta is designed to stun it into submission. Use the time to read read read tutorials and the beginner forum area. You'll get the best answers when you ask specific questions and give lots of info about amounts timing etc. Without all that info no one can really help.
Pam in cinti