Hi From Alabama

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Beer Brewer
Nov 14, 2010
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Hi All,

I've home brewed beer for just over 3 years, and looking to branch out into wine.

I've made ApfelWein a few times, but that's about it.
Glad to have you aboard our forum here. Are you coming here from the Mother site HomeBrewTalk? Feel free to ask any questions you might have as we have many skilled wine makers here to answer just about anything you might ask of us.
Yes, I'm on the mother site, under the same moniker.

I'm a beer guy and not a wine drinker. Honestly, I know very little about wine, but I want to learn.

My very small orchard is just getting going and I would like to make wine from some of the crop. I have grapes, muscadines, apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries, boysenberries, plums and mulberries.

Plus, I have the equipment to brew beer, so adding wine to the repertoire would be pretty easy... I just need to learn how.
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Looks like you have a great selection to choose from there and all those listed make awesome wines although I havent had the pleasure of boysenberry as of yet but have heard it is very good! I toam a member of HBt which is the best brewing forum out there and we strive to be the best wine making forum out there.
The boysenberry is a cross between a Pacific blackberry and a raspberry.

They're doing surprisingly well here. I bought one plant 3 years ago on a lark and I have about 30 now.

The flavor is what you would expect from its parentage... tangy and sweet, but not delicate like a raspberry and no astringency like a blackberry.

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