My pruning method is controlled chaos, with the main goal of having a green wall and keeping the vines out of the driveway and the neighbors yard.
I've mostly been letting my vines produce as much as they want. Last year a few of the vines produced over 40lbs of grapes. Quality seemed fine, and all ripened. This year the number of potential clusters is huge - trying to decide if I should just let them go or thin them out.
Anyone have experience with high yields? For reference the spacing is about 4' and driveway to top wire is about 10', no true "fruiting zones" although I tried to develop a bottom, middle and high zone. I bet I'm looking at 30 to 40 lbs for the 4' spacing vines and 50 - 60 lbs for the ones over the garage. Half are Malbec's, half are Tempranillos.
I also selectively harvest, IE I don't always pick all the grapes off a plant at once, clusters that appear behind I leave on. Last year harvest started on 9/10 ended on 10/1. Brix on all the pickings was pretty consistent 24 to 25, ph varied from 3.65 to 4.1. The climate and soil here are conducive to high PH.
I haven't noticed a quality difference between low yield vines (as low as 10lbs) and the high yield plants. The plus 40 lb vines are over the garage and have much more room to spread out. Tip to tip is close to 25'.
Right now I think I'll let them go, monitor progress and if the appear to be lagging thin in August.
I am curious on opinions though.

I've mostly been letting my vines produce as much as they want. Last year a few of the vines produced over 40lbs of grapes. Quality seemed fine, and all ripened. This year the number of potential clusters is huge - trying to decide if I should just let them go or thin them out.
Anyone have experience with high yields? For reference the spacing is about 4' and driveway to top wire is about 10', no true "fruiting zones" although I tried to develop a bottom, middle and high zone. I bet I'm looking at 30 to 40 lbs for the 4' spacing vines and 50 - 60 lbs for the ones over the garage. Half are Malbec's, half are Tempranillos.
I also selectively harvest, IE I don't always pick all the grapes off a plant at once, clusters that appear behind I leave on. Last year harvest started on 9/10 ended on 10/1. Brix on all the pickings was pretty consistent 24 to 25, ph varied from 3.65 to 4.1. The climate and soil here are conducive to high PH.
I haven't noticed a quality difference between low yield vines (as low as 10lbs) and the high yield plants. The plus 40 lb vines are over the garage and have much more room to spread out. Tip to tip is close to 25'.
Right now I think I'll let them go, monitor progress and if the appear to be lagging thin in August.
I am curious on opinions though.

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