I thought I would share a gadget I made with our 3D printer. It's a clip to hold the hoses for the All In One vacuum pump. I've had one for 10(?) years and the weight of the hoses would always cause them to shift as I was bottling. I bottle alone and like to cork in batches so it was difficult to keep the bottling plug from moving around and touching an un sanitized surface. The clip is designed for 3/8" and 1/2" OD tubing. Here are some pics.

I use printables for STL file sharing. Here is a link to the STL if you want it: https://www.printables.com/model/772372-all-in-one-vacuum-pump-hose-clip

I use printables for STL file sharing. Here is a link to the STL if you want it: https://www.printables.com/model/772372-all-in-one-vacuum-pump-hose-clip