Hospital visit

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My 2 cents worth!! As I said before, I injured my back lifting a steel beam on a construction job. My boss took me to a chiropractor and he jumped on my back and the next day I couldn't walk. My doctor put me in the hospital in traction and physical therapy for a week or so and then I went to an orthopedic surgeon. I had back surgery to remove the disc and a spinal fusion, taking bone from my hip and fusing the vertibrae together. Went back to work 2months later and haven't had any trouble since. That was in 1969! I don't know if the do spinal fusion anymore but in my case it sure was successful. Again my advice. Don't go to a chiropractor, especially if you have been diagnosed with a ruptured disc!
The main problem right now is that my back is actually not hurting at all, just a numbness in the left side of my leg, my back is actually feeling better right now then it has in quite awhile with the exception of that day when I couldnt move but again it wasnt my back hurting, just a nerve being pinched. I will see be setting up the appointment on Mon. to see what he says though and if he recommends surgery I will see the doc my wife goes to for a 3rd opinion.
Went to the specialist finally today and surgery isnt recommended, he said that the nerve will either fade over time or be that way and they can do epider. shots at a later time if it dont. He said even with a surgery most times that doesnt fix the nerve and since my back is feeling Ok and Im not peeing or pooping in my pants or the opposite not having problems going then let a sleeping dog lay which is exactly what I wanted to hear!
Good to hear that you won't be requiring surgery. I'm glad that it worked out the way you wanted it to Wade.

Today I got the Epidural shot in my back. This is the 3rd one in 5 years. The first one lasted just under a year the second one lasted 3 years. Hope this one goes that long. Believe me they realy work.
Have to go tomorrow and get an angeogram and posible stent in my heart. No problem have had it done 5 times already. Hey I'm in good shape for the shape I am in. It is not so much the age (70) but the milage.
Cornfield, I think Toby Keith wrote a song about you entitled "I Aint as Good as I once was but Im as good once as I ever was"
Thanks for the inf, Im not worried about the needle at all so if and when the day comes Ill be there, just didnt want the surgerey especially for a back that has been feeling great. Its kind of like the ole saying, if it aint broke dont fix it.
Gaudet, I appreciate the concern you had and the helpful insight you gave m on ths subject!
Never want to see a person lose their livelyhood, at least not without the benefit of knowing they are financially secure. Just glad to know you will still be lifting carboys.............
I will not be lifting carboys, thats why I have the vacuum pump. Which 1 exactly do you have again and does yours get warm from degassing or racking 6 gallons. Mine doesnt and a friend does want one who makes bigger batches (100 liters) so I dont want to have him look into a pump that might overheat with that much. I racked my 3 gallon batch of blackberry immediately followed by my 6 gallon batch of black currant Sat and my pump never even got warm but I dont see any of these on Ebay and the Schuco's like Rich has are only being sold to Med people.
Outstanding news wade! So glad to hear it. I really did laugh though when you wrote earlier, "it really doesn't feel too bad... except I can't move!" What understatement.

My pump, like yours, doesn't overheat either. I am really pleased.

Take care.
My Easy Vac puts some heat out, but I think its kind of expected that it will do that. It is a little workhorse at 1/5 hp. But for what its worth Wade and admiral, you guys did get a great deal on your pumps.
It was 3:14, at 2:14 he was out in the back roasting coffee beans over his fire place.
Wouldn't you love to be Waldos paperboy? Hope the Ice hasn't torn up your place to much. Waldos area was hit hard by the ice storm.

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