How dry is your pee?

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The Atomic Wine Maker
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA (US)
Hello everyone,

A couple weeks ago I started my first real batch of skeeter pee. (Thanks Lon!) Well sorta, I decided to make it a dragons blood version.

So I pretty much followed the recipe using 12 lbs of an expensive berry blend, 96 oz of lemon juice, and enough sugar to get me up to 1.075.

The one thing I did different was instead of pitching ec-1118 I used D-47. Also, I put enough fermaid-k and energizer in this thing to send it to the moon lol. The result was the D-47 (after a rather long lag period) fermented the pee down to .991 .

Last night, I decided to go ahead and stabilize it and rack into a carboy because the pee had been sitting on the fruit for around two weeks. I added 3 cups of sugar instead of 4 because I think I prob only had around 4 ish gallons of product due to racking losses and the fact that my recipe was not full sized I dont think.

Anyways, how dry does yall's pee normally ferment, and what is usually your back sweetend gravity?
If you leave in a glass the wind will blow the dust away!!(sorry see my title)
I'm a dry red guy, but I've found my friends & family like my SP @ 1.025-1.030. I never make straight pee, I always start my back sweetening with 1 can / gal of concentrated fruit juice. This may be the difference.


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