In planing my vineyard, where I wanted to put it, I can only fit in 20 vines, maybe 26 if I add another row. So now I need to find another location to expand to. On the other side of the property is an old raspberry garden, which was built years ago and was all set up with posts and trellis wires but has long since rotted away, plants are long gone, but the ground is nice, grass growing with really no weeds to speak of, probably large enough to plant 50 vines, but I don't need that many. 
My only concern is the grove of tress to the west, which right now is beginning to shade the western part of the field about 5pm, of course as summer moves on, the shading begins earlier. My thought is to put my hybrids there, mostly reds, some of the earlier ripening vines etc. Early morning and thru late afternoon is clear good sun exposure with no southern tree shade.
I know there lots of other variables, GDD etc. but in general, how important is the last hour or two of sunlight in the day?
Thanks for the guidance... from a complete newbie.
My only concern is the grove of tress to the west, which right now is beginning to shade the western part of the field about 5pm, of course as summer moves on, the shading begins earlier. My thought is to put my hybrids there, mostly reds, some of the earlier ripening vines etc. Early morning and thru late afternoon is clear good sun exposure with no southern tree shade.
I know there lots of other variables, GDD etc. but in general, how important is the last hour or two of sunlight in the day?
Thanks for the guidance... from a complete newbie.
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