How many lbs of grapes fit in a 40 liter bladder press?

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This math seems off. Doesnt make sense. I did a 200 gallon batch with my 5 gallon press and it took 3 pressings. Yeild was 13 gallons 9 was free run and only took up 20 gallons of my fermenter. There was plenty of room for the cap to form.
I went by Paul's math. If 200 lbs is 24 gallons and your press holds 10.6 gallons, then it will take more than 2 pressing to do it all.
This math seems off. Doesnt make sense. I did a 200 gallon batch with my 5 gallon press and it took 3 pressings. Yeild was 13 gallons 9 was free run and only took up 20 gallons of my fermenter. There was plenty of room for the cap to form.
I believe this is probably the closest to my experiences. I press 200 lbs in a single go with my #45 basket press. I pressed my white after crushing (some press whole) and if you have free-run, you can't really account for the volume of skins with partial juice contained within them.
I had just under 800lbs of grapes that were crushed and fermented. When I pressed in an 80 liter bladder press it took me 5 presses, but the last one wasn’t filled all of the way. I did fill the other 4 almost to the top.
So I would say just under 200lbs per press in an 80 liter which would be about 100lbs in a 40 liter.
Make sure you start the press with an empty bucket if that’s what you are transferring with. On my press runs with the 80 liter I was getting about 7 gallons of juice, so I had to swap the 5 gallon buckets in the middle of the press. That was a major pain!