You're focusing too much on numbers. Trust your tastebuds. Backsweeten with the F-Pack until you like what you have.Bryan, the SGf is 0.990. With an SGi of 1.092, I make the ABV about 13.4%. I would like the ABV to be closer to 12%. If I can add either the flavor pack and/or sugar and get the SGf up to a tad over 1.000 I think I will be at 12% and at the level of sweetness I want.
Pre- and during fermentation, numbers are useful. Post-fermentation? Numbers are meaningless. Hydrometers, pH meters, etc will never taste the wine. Trust your tastebuds.
Will you make mistakes? ABSOLUTELY. That's how we learn. But you'll make less than you expect.
These are totally different wines. The similar names mean nothing.Also, I have three carboys of T-R from another kit supplier and those kits did not have any flavor pack.
You may have noted I'm good at discounting things.

I've been married for 33+ years. I'm very good at handling varying shorthand. I didn't even pay attention to the variance in abbreviations; I knew what you meant and didn't even think about it.BTW, I have no idea as to why I had been typing T-B when I meant T-R (Trebbiano-Riesling). Sorry for any confusion this has caused.