So we decided to start this batch today, cant really call it a port since we are not going to stop the fermentation.
25lb blackberry, very ripe and frozen
20 ounces dried elderberries
Dropped this for primary - AG at 1.1, save for secondary to boost alchohol {5 cans Welches Concord conc.}
2.5 lb extra light dried malt extract
2.5 t sp nutrient start, 2.5 in a week probably
95gm American Toasted Oakmor Powder in primary, Oak stave for aging
Sugar to start ~7lb
Acid Tested = .675 with no additions required
KMeta Overnight
Then added:
10 ml pectinase
2 ml amylase
2.5 tsp DAP
2.5 tsp Superferment
EC-118 added as starter 24 hrs after KMeta
We decided to steam the blackberries, add the dried elderberries to the hot steamed juice to get them rehydrated, stir in the ELDME and about 6lb of sugar. Its now cooling, later today will add KMeta for insurance and make a starter of EC-118 for high alchohol levels. EBs will be bagged and removed right before transferring to glass. Will add the concord and adjust SG to about 1.095 to start off, then make additions of syrup a couple of times during fermentation. When its done I plan on sweetening to around ~1.02 if the alchohol gets high enough and age it an oak stave too for a while. That should give us a good start, thanks for all the tips.
After measuring SG there was no room for additional sugar so we had to drop the concord conc in primary, but we will use it to boost the sugar for more alchohol by feeding it later.