Back when I could, I hunted a lot.
I found out quickly that I preferred the taste of "Wild" game over anything similar you can buy in the store.
Wild hog fattened on acorns is much better to me than corn fattened pork.
Same thing with "wabbits". Much better wild, than pen raised.
I took a vow just recently to never get into the P/C line of thinking,,, so now you understand.
Kids need to be taught where the food comes from and how you get it.
I've seen shows on people in the Phillipines where a man rasied dogs for slaughter. He had a pet dog, but still raised dogs for consumption.
Down in South America, they have guinee pigs running around in the huts. When it's time, they take one for dinner.
When times get bad enough, not only will I be able to eat about anything, but also prepare it too.