No, but I'll match you a 300 bps external modem, and raise you an external floppy drive for 5 1/4" disks that held a whopping 1 Kb of storage, and cost $400.... :<I am too old and tired to help much, but I, like many, have many years experience working with and on these darned contraptions. My first modem was a 300 baud per second model. Can anyone beat that?
I lived in Pitkin, Louisiana and Fairbanks, Alaska I think you may be crazy smurfe but it might not have anything to do with where you live but Fairbank is F&#$ing cold and you have to be crazy to live there. And when its not cold the dam sun doesn't go away
I am too old and tired to help much, but I, like many, have many years experience working with and on these darned contraptions. My first modem was a 300 baud per second model. Can anyone beat that?
When I went "on-line" in the early 80's, I was on an Atari 400. There was no decent terminal emulation software, so a fellow and I collaborated and upgraded the code from TinyTerm to what we called NewTerm. My first experience with an on-line service was Prodigy...until I got my first bill! :<...My first PC was a Packard Bell 286 Processor with the 300 baud dial up. Back in those days you didn't have the Internet available, you had local Bulletin Boards you dialed in to. I had Windows 3.0 but most everything was in DOS. I have been on the Internet since the day AOL came on line.
I am not sure. I had a computer before the 300 baud modem. I am trying to remember what it was. I got it at Radio Shack. It was a keyboard you hooked up to your TV and had cables that hooked to a cassette recorder. It had cassette tapes for the processor. You had to type in Basic language to use the thing. My first PC was a Packard Bell 286 Processor with the 300 baud dial up. Back in those days you didn't have the Internet available, you had local Bulletin Boards you dialed in to. I had Windows 3.0 but most everything was in DOS. I have been on the Internet since the day AOL came on line.
No, but I'll match you a 300 bps external modem, and raise you an external floppy drive for 5 1/4" disks that held a whopping 1 Kb of storage, and cost $400.... :<
Oh yeah... two 5-1/4" floppies and no hard drive... remember the 8" floppies? And it really wasn't that long ago...