I have this website …….

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Senior Member
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May 27, 2024
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United Kingdom
I have this website. It has been live for 12 years. It has 10,339 registered users and about 500 (ish) users per day log-in and enter information which is regurgitated to them in a readable fashion to help them comply with UK/EU regulations.

To date I have run it for free as another site on my server. I have tried to monetise it but without success using banner ads, buy me a coffee, PPC, PPV etc. (I only need to cover the hosting costs). I can’t/won’t make this a subscription site for legal reasons (too much money, effort and hassle).

As I now enter the retirement phase of my life, I am reducing the activities that require effort (especially thought), and if it costs, it goes. I have notified users for the past three months that the site will close on 1st March 2025 but they still keep coming which suggests to me that there is value in the site.

There is no maintenance really as the legislation is static, and I only have to update it when PHP or SQL depreciates a function and I need to recode. The site comes above the UK and EU government sites in the search engines so I get quite a few uniques/views on a daily basis and Google, Bing etc. keep sending me reports to tell me how wonderful it is. It has four viewable pages. Go figure!

Any suggestions that will help monetise the site without too much effort on my part.

Monetizing sites is harder than most folks suspect. Well, doing it is easy. Actually making any real money? Not so much.

Advertising works only if you get a LOT of daily hits, at least 10 time what you're getting.

If you're in a position to point people to other commercial sites, you might be able to work a commission deal. Basically, if the other site makes money from a referral, you get a commission. For the traffic you have, that will not be a lot, but if you're just trying to re-coup hosting costs, it may work.

Beyond that, I don't know.

I have 2 domains, running an archival site for a magazine I used to publish, and 3 sites on the other. I've been approached about advertising and about commission referrals ... neither appeared to be worth the hassle vs. what I'd actually make.
That's what I thought and agree with, so I'm gonna let it go.

Maybe put the domain name on a holding site for a few years to see if anyone offers me anything for it, just in case, maybe £100,000.

Its early and the wine is strong today :d

Thanks for your thoughts :h
Since the site is useful, you might advertise for someone to take it over. If you get a taker, then send them the code, they transfer the domain to their host, and you relax ....

I'm in a similar situation -- I was editor-in-chief for a free gaming magazine. It was fun, but I got burned out, and we ceased publication. I converted the site into a static site that hasn't changed in 5+ years. We still get 500 downloads per months, so there is value.

My hosting + active sites are one charge, the domain for the gaming site is an additional $20 USD/year. The cost is trivial, but I'm leaning towards moving the gaming site to a subdomain on my main account, posting a redirect on the old site, and when renewal on the gaming site comes due, let it lapse. I've also considered pinging some of the AD&D sites to see if they want to host the files. Decisions, decisions, decisions ...

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