The nets are on. Rolling out and draping nets is never a fun chore.
The clusters are in the 18 - 19 Brix range, sooner than I expected, and they are becoming a temptation. The owner's dogs were in the vineyard nibbling on the tips of dangling clusters like Tantalus and I had to stop that. I get a regular annual earful of how grapes are toxic for dogs, yet I never find any dead dogs laying around these vines.

The clusters are in the 18 - 19 Brix range, sooner than I expected, and they are becoming a temptation. The owner's dogs were in the vineyard nibbling on the tips of dangling clusters like Tantalus and I had to stop that. I get a regular annual earful of how grapes are toxic for dogs, yet I never find any dead dogs laying around these vines.