I'm new to this and need help

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Fentos1303 said:
Thanks and it's only so far down the vessel as I took 5 litres out to see how it settled just last night, looking at it now it's clear and has no nasty bits floating at all in this 2nd demijohn, will another 23 litre plastic drum washed and sterilised be fine to transfer this into once I have used Camden tablets and let them work there magic? I ask a lot of questions I know haha just want it all to be right! Thanks again! Will check hydrometer reading in couple hours when home to see my readings then seek help from there on


Is this no good? What can I do?
I didn't use hydrometer at start as kit did not say too, anyone any ideas on what proof this might be around? Said 12% on kit but not sure it has done properly! Tasted ok but not sure how many I will need to drink to get drunk on?
I don't think your fermentation finished since that picture is showing an sg of 1.020. Normally wines go to .990 to 1.000 when they finish their fermentation. Though for some wines after they ferment to a sg below 1.0, you then backsweeten with a flavor pack. Not sure if this is what you did or if you never completed ferementation.

If you added k-meta (Camden tablet) or Sorbate, it would be harder to restart fermentation. Others may be able to help, but let us know if you added a flavor pack/backsweetened.
I had not added nothing! Just stick to manual! I have put in Camden tablets now and going to re rack in 2 days and just leave it, have tasted it tonight and it tastes decent but not strong! This reading is before Camden tablets went in! All that has gone in this brew is the yeast, the finings and the stabiliser as was just a 14 day kit! Will this wine be still ok to drink? Even if not that strong?
In the picture, is the hydrometer resting on the bottom of the vessel? It needs to float, to get a real reading.. It could be lower than 1.020..
No sorry could not squeeze it all in so ppl could see reading, it's floating around 3/4 inch off bottom of tube I got to test with hydrometer! Anyway so I have 18 litres left in FV which I have added equivalent Camden tablets too, when I re-rack in a day or 2 will this have any effect whatsoever on taste or strength of my wine once re-racked and left for a while in the new FV? This is the last thing I would like to know really as I'm a thirsty guy and don't like waste so gunna drink it regardless, might just take longer to get merry!
Campden tablets will suppress fermentation.
So if its at 1.020 today, it's likely to be there tomorrow as well.

Since we dont know the starting Specific Gravity, we really dont know the alcohol content - and its safer to assume that its low in alcohol.

I would chalk this up to a learning experience, and drink what you want of it, when you want to.. I wouldnt expect to bottle this, nor for it to last more than about 6 months without losing one aspect of it or another (clarity, flavor, aromas, etc) as it wont really be able to protect itself...

I would plan another batch, but ask for guidance and input on the whole process, front to back, before you do anything at all.

Plan your work & Work your plan.
Hi there. I'm guessing you're from the UK? I am too. I think the user base of the forum is predominantly American but I could be wrong.

I'm fairly new to wine and beer making myself so don't take what I say as gospel but I would like to offer my opinions and hopefully can be of some help.

I got my first kit from Wilkinsons but it was a beer kit. They appear to be cheaper kits and although I've not made any, have heard them to be poorer quality. My advice would be to see where your nearest local homebrew shop is and use this for your equipment and also advice. I'm in Worthing, West Sussex and have a fantastic shop near by. The owners and shop workers all offer great advice, even when it goes against them making a sale.

Your wine looks fine to me. I think you've just got nervous and made some rash decisions. It's very easy to worry that things have gone wrong but its worth remembering that these kits are sold all over the world and have been tried and tested. Yes it's probably true that a greater quality wine can be made from them with expert knowledge and leaving for longer before bottling, extra racking, extra things being added etc.

... But, follow the instructions and as long as you sanitise properly and ferment at the correct temperature, you will end up with a drinkable wine.

I have mainly brewed beer and am only just getting into wine. I found that with the kit I just made I needed a 23L carbouy. Which you won't get in Wilkinsons. It seems these are needed for wine making if doing the 30 bottle kits so I would advice buying one of these.

I bought a plastic one from my local homebrew shop for £20.50 but only found 1 on eBay which was £26 including delivery.

As far as kits go, from my experience and the advice of others including my local homebrew shop. (Not to mention a little common sense) You get what you pay for.

I bought a £30 kit (30 bottle) and although it wasn't bad, the quality difference was easily noticeable compared to even a 6 bottle kit of House of beaverdale. ( the 30 bottle kits are £48 )

I now have a WineExpert kit (30 bottle kit at £55) I have just racked into my carbouy and tastes during syphoning. I am excited about trying my first bottle in some time.

I wouldn't hold out too much hope in your current kit due to stopping fermentation too early and racking off part of the kit Seperatly. Not to say its ruined or anything, just that it may not reach its full potential.

Keep going though, as I keep telling myself. If you havnt already, buy C.J.J First Steps In Wine Making. It will inspire you!

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Yeah definitely a learning curve, will be startin a new batch up very soon taking readings at the start and doing everything correct this time! Thanks again
Sounds like you are off to a good start. Might I recommend your try a dragons blood or JOAM? They both have quick turn arounds so you get to see and practice your technique a lot faster.
Not meaning to hi jack but what exactly is dragons blood? It sounds fantastic and have read a little. Is it just a specific recipe?

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