I'm puzzled

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Chateau Joe

Snowbelt Fermenter
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Our local wine makers club decided to buy several pails of Chilean Cabernet Sauv. last year (March 2011) and did a large 55 gallon drum of wine. All of the pails came in about 23 brix. After all of the fermentation was done, oak cubes were added and an MLF was done. We kept it topped up and kept tight until recently when we bottled. Everyone who bought into the project was given two cases of wine.

Now here is the kicker. After tasting the wine it is extremely alcohol forward. I have a friend who will run up the alcohol on his wines by adding more sugar and this wine tastes just like that. I know its young and needs more time but I have never experienced a wine like this. It has a very very strong alcohol taste. I decided not to bottle my share but I put it in a carboy to let it age further.

Has anyone experienced a wine that tastes so alcohol forward but extra sugar was not added?
Hows the body on it? Usually when a wine tastes that strong it lacks the body needed for it to meld together hence why you feel the abv comes through so much. I find this in juice buckets to often myself and thats why I dont use them.
i am w Wade as to giving it time...but i am wondering if the 23 brix maybe really was 28 or so???? just a thought

back to giving it time....i have usually had to wait on cab to get its act together
I hear you there Al. Even I thought 23 brix for that type of wine is a little low from what I usually see!!!!
My guess also is it may have been 27-28 brix when shipped and came slightly fermented with a resulting 23 brix. Also just a few pails would not make 55 gallons by itself. That would take 10 pails. If you had less, is it possible that it was stretched with water and sugar added. If so, the sugar may not have been stirred well before the reading, giving a false reading and potentially much higher alchohol.
Good call on the fermenting buckets Rich, didnt think of that and that is soooooooo typical of juice buckets!!!!!
i am w Wade as to giving it time...but i am wondering if the 23 brix maybe really was 28 or so???? just a thought

back to giving it time....i have usually had to wait on cab to get its act together

Oh I plan to give it plenty of time.

My guess also is it may have been 27-28 brix when shipped and came slightly fermented with a resulting 23 brix. Also just a few pails would not make 55 gallons by itself. That would take 10 pails. If you had less, is it possible that it was stretched with water and sugar added. If so, the sugar may not have been stirred well before the reading, giving a false reading and potentially much higher alchohol.

Last year was our first year from this supplier. That could be it right there.

Thanks everyone!
I have a couple of mine that turned out real high on the alch taste... i needed the carboy space so I went ahead and bottled them and prayed that time would tell... Wish I knew how much time to give them before I dump em out!!! LOL!

Good luck, hope the time things helps you!! Let me know the end findings :)
never dump if its a high alcohol issue....you can only be pleasantly surprised in the future if it turns out good....for the cost of what a few bottles or cases are high alcohol is NEVER an equal reason to dump out wine that is bad because it is jjust bad wine and never has any hope

High Alcohol wine most often comes around
Al, thats good to know!!! I would never dump for bottle cost, just for the sake of space and giving up hope LOL!!
keep the faith...worst case there is always some person who loves things closer to a spirit that will take it in thanks for a favor done

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